


Audacious manual

Added by David W about 4 years ago

I been using this music manager for some time now on Linux and windows. I have decided to write a manual. I however do not use many features of the plugins. I will be web searching all the following below which may help or it may not. Having input from the developer would help me in this project. I am not planning to rush writing this.


MPRIS 2 server
I did find this and perhaps I would hyperlink this in the manual?

Transport plugins

GIO Plugin

Neon http/https

Playlist types

Replies (7)

RE: Audacious manual - Added by David W almost 4 years ago

Since there has been no reply to this for 5 months I have decided not to keep writing a manual. Its hard works and no one here seems to care.

Good day

RE: Audacious manual - Added by Garry D over 3 years ago

Good Day David,

I'm a newbie here and to Linux in general. The manual would be a big help to me but I don't expect you to write it for one person. Just wanted to let you know there was interest out here!


RE: Audacious manual - Added by David W about 3 years ago

I noticed a replay on this yesterday. I so not monitor this forum often. I have been calling it the Unofficial Audacious Basic Guide now I stopped writing it for sometime. I am in the process of finishing it cause friends of mine liked it. When I am done I will post a copy on here if I can. Should be in a few days.

When I was writing it I discovered that some of the interface options actually do nothing. This are marked with an . If I am Uncertain what a option does due to seeing a result than it is marked * I do not know which Linux distribution you are using or how you want to use it. There are many guides on YouTube from Linux TV. I am a forum member on Ubuntu and Linux Mint.


RE: Audacious handbook - Added by David W almost 3 years ago

I am still writing the handbook its coming a long great. The keys for the draft of the handbook is expanding with no function in current Audacious version which right now is 4.1. Once draft is done I will post it for feedback etc.

RE: Audacious manual - Added by David W over 2 years ago

I changed the name of the manual to The Audacious Unofficial Guide. I am up loading the draft of the guide today. I would like feedback good and bad.

RE: Audacious manual - Added by jesus2099 💗 about 2 years ago

Thanks David!
I have downloaded it, I will read it with attention. :)

RE: Audacious manual - Added by David W over 1 year ago

Hey Jesus, all feed back welcome
