


m3u8 stream will not play

Added by d ln about 3 years ago

Audacious 4.1 running on Ubuntu Bionic.

Trying to play this m3u8 stream:

It plays fine using VLC, but will not work using Audacious. When I enter the above URL, it just produces 8 odd lokking entries with an error message saying that "start time for stream is not found in estimate_timings_from _pts".

What must I do for it to work using Audacious?

Replies (5)

RE: m3u8 stream will not play - Added by Jim Turner over 2 years ago

This is an HLS stream (a subset feature of extended m3u "playlists"). Audacious does not seem to currently support this or other extended-m3u features. I've added this myself in my fork of Audacious a good while back, so I know it's doable (your example works - playing it now!). I thought I sent it in as a patch, but that was a long time ago, pointing out that these are becoming more common/popular, but they never acted on it. Anyway, I suggest submitting a formal feature request to Audacious to add support for extended m3u playlists, including recognizing and playing HLS streams (which look like playlists but are actually single streams)! The code they need to change is in their m3u plugin! If they reject/don't act, email me.

Good luck,


RE: m3u8 stream will not play - Added by John Lindgren over 2 years ago

Jim, please stop advertising your fork of Audacious on this website. If you want to collaborate and submit fixes/improvements, great! Open up a pull request for each one on GitHub.

RE: m3u8 stream will not play - Added by Jim Turner over 2 years ago

John, I generally avoid linking to or mentioning the name of my Audacious-related work on your websites out of courtesy and respect! Until YOU mentioned it here, as far as readers of this post could ascertain is that I had an unnamed "fork" residing on my computer, in this case solely as a proof-of-concept to encourage the OP to file a request w/Audacious as that I had evidence that it would likely not be a difficult change (and to demonstrate that I'm not the only one who has mentioned this subject in Audacious - see issues #1169 & #790). I confess I may have mentioned it in certain situations after carefully weighing positive contributions pertinent to a discussion vs hostile advertising. I am not interested in becoming a competitor to Audacious (I don't have time nor interest in supporting lots of new abUsers!) Anyway, I will endevor to honor your request going forward, and yes, I will continue to collaborate w/you, however, as our code has increasingly diverged, it has gradually become more difficult and laborious to convert to pull-requests compatable w/Audacious, particularly for things that I'm confident from experience that you will not be interested in, but my work is fully open and public and YOU can always see exactly what I'm up to! ;)

If you ARE interested in my referenced (m3u-HLS) change, reply here, and I'll be happy to make up an Audacious-compatable version and formally submit it to Audacious if the OP files a feature request as suggested, or I can submit one myself if you would prefer.



RE: m3u8 stream will not play - Added by John Lindgren over 2 years ago

A pull request via GitHub to enable support for HLS streams would certainly be welcome. I don't personally listen to any such streams, but I would try to find time to review the code. Thanks.

RE: m3u8 stream will not play - Added by Jim Turner over 2 years ago

Done - Feature request #1173 - "Add extended-M3U playlist & HLS support" submitted. Please see for why not submitted as a full as-is pull-request.

