


Windows menus selector colours

Added by Bill Pratt about 12 years ago

In Windows the menus selector colours are black on dark blue which is unreadable. Can you make them white on black?

Thank you.

Replies (3)

RE: Windows menus selector colours - Added by John Lindgren about 12 years ago

What version of Windows do you have? I see white on blue here on XP Pro.

menu.png (28.7 KB) menu.png Screenshot

RE: Windows menus selector colours - Added by Bill Pratt about 12 years ago

Yes, white on blue on XP. On Windows 7 I see black on dark blue using the classic Windows colour scheme.

RE: Windows menus selector colours - Added by John Lindgren about 12 years ago

I checked on Windows 7 with visual themes turned off and I see the same as you (black on dark blue). I guess there is a bug in how GTK+ determines which colors to use. There's no quick fix that I know of.
