


3.3.2 memory leak on OpenSuSE 12.2

Added by Jimmie Mayfield almost 12 years ago

Hi. A couple weeks ago, I noticed that the kernel out-of-memory killer was invoked against a long-running Audacious process on my 64-bit OpenSuSE 12.2 system (Audacious v3.2.4 installed from the 'Packman' 3rd-party multimedia repository). It had been running for a few weeks playing the same MP3 in a loop. So I wrote a simple script to poll the RSS value once per minute and noted that RSS grew steadily even when idle.

I then grabbed the source code for v3.3.2 from here, including the plugins, and built from scratch and re-ran the test. The memory leak appears to exist in this version also.

To test, I started Audacious but let it idle. No music, no scrolling, no mouse clicks, etc. RSS value was polled once per minute.


So, with a couple exceptions, it appears that even when idle, Audacious' memory footprint is growing at a pretty steady rate of 264KB/minute.

Any ideas?

Replies (4)

RE: 3.3.2 memory leak on OpenSuSE 12.2 - Added by John Lindgren almost 12 years ago


valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes audacious 2> valgrind.log
and attach the valgrind.log file; it may help to find the leak.

RE: 3.3.2 memory leak on OpenSuSE 12.2 - Added by Jimmie Mayfield almost 12 years ago

Hi. Sorry for the late response. Here is the valgrind log:

audacious.log.bz2 (30.3 KB) audacious.log.bz2 audacious.log.bz2

RE: 3.3.2 memory leak on OpenSuSE 12.2 - Added by Jimmie Mayfield almost 12 years ago

After noticing that the majority of the leakage was associated with calls to the Cairo font library, I installed a backlevel Cairo package that does not perform subpixel rendering and re-ran the test. As you can see, there's still a slight memory leak but it's 100 times smaller with the subpixel stuff removed.

I suppose there's a slight possibility that Audacious is not invoking the Pango/Cairo/fontconfig API correctly and that's causing the leak but it's probably much more likely that the leak is in Cairo's subpixel rendering code.

RE: 3.3.2 memory leak on OpenSuSE 12.2 - Added by John Lindgren almost 12 years ago

That looks normal now. The fontconfig related leaks are not actually leaks; fontconfig has an odd way of storing pointer offsets rather than actual pointers, which trips up Valgrind.
