


that was only to say thank you...

Added by manu Xuser over 11 years ago

it is the only stable player I ever see on linux. Good job !

Replies (3)

RE: that was only to say thank you... - Added by Mikah Sasparilla over 11 years ago

I'd like to second that thank you, and add that I especially enjoy the absence of web functionality, such as integration and looking for lyrics and cover images and who knows what else over the net. I prefer not to broadcast what I'm listening to all the time, and appreciate not having to fight my media player to achieve that :)

Other than that, it also looks nice, and the tray icon is exceedingly practical - keep up the good work!

RE: that was only to say thank you... - Added by Michael Schwendt over 11 years ago

Calling it "absence" when it's included as plug-ins but disabled by default might confuse visitors of this forum. ;-)

RE: that was only to say thank you... - Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago

Audacious has been my default player since it went to 3.x. The community and dev team is relatively small, but helpful.
For a long time, I ran foobar2000 through wine because I couldn't find a good player that
1) gave me easy access to bs2b plugin
2) was playlist (not library) based
3) wasn't bloated and/or buggy

Honorable mention goes to clementine, which is a much different kind of media player, but has a nice UI.
