


hi @ all, i use Debian Wheezy and have little trouble with audacious 3.2.3

Added by Georg Vogl over 11 years ago


i reinstalled and the Debian Wheezy contained therein audacious 3.2.3
no longer plays my radio stream of Slayradio (m3u stream). With an other
player like vlc or totem it works well, the audacious before in Debian lenny
was working fine with the Slayradio stream.

The audacious version of Lenny played the radio stream of Slayradio very well.

What is wrong with the audacious 3.2.3 does not play the radio stream ?
Where is the error log of audacious to see a mistake ?

best regards

Replies (7)

RE: hi @ all, i use Debian Wheezy and have little trouble with audacious 3.2.3 - Added by Michael Schwendt over 11 years ago

The m3u files at contain extra empty lines, which break Audacious' m3u parser. The parser exits at the first empty line it encounters. As a work-around, a patch like attached works, since it skips empty lines, which should be harmless anyway. The M3U specs don't mention those extra lines, however.

RE: hi @ all, i use Debian Wheezy and have little trouble with audacious 3.2.3 - Added by Georg Vogl over 11 years ago

Thank you Michael,
Interesting in the m3u file-3 streams are included .. When I download the listen.m3u file with wget listen.m3u and open it with cat listen.m3u I can see all 3 streams.

In Debian Wheezy is audacious 3.2.3 and the Patch is for audacious 3.3.3.
Works the Patch for 3.3.3 with audacious 3.2.3 too ?

RE: hi @ all, i use Debian Wheezy and have little trouble with audacious 3.2.3 - Added by Georg Vogl over 11 years ago

sh audacious-plugins-3.3.3-m3u-empty-lines.patch
diff: audacious-plugins-3.3.3-orig/src/m3u/m3u.c: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
diff: audacious-plugins-3.3.3/src/m3u/m3u.c: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
audacious-plugins-3.3.3-m3u-empty-lines.patch: 2: audacious-plugins-3.3.3-m3u-empty-lines.patch: ---: not found
audacious-plugins-3.3.3-m3u-empty-lines.patch: 3: audacious-plugins-3.3.3-m3u-empty-lines.patch: +++: not found
audacious-plugins-3.3.3-m3u-empty-lines.patch: 4: audacious-plugins-3.3.3-m3u-empty-lines.patch: @@: not found
audacious-plugins-3.3.3-m3u-empty-lines.patch: 11: audacious-plugins-3.3.3-m3u-empty-lines.patch: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "then")

It's for the compiled version of audacious or for the Debian Package ?
What do i wrong ?

best regards

RE: hi @ all, i use Debian Wheezy and have little trouble with audacious 3.2.3 - Added by Michael Schwendt over 11 years ago

Well, it's a patch, not a shell script. A patch is a "diff" file (see "man diff") that can be applied to source code files via the "patch" command (see "man patch").

It's for the compiled version of audacious or for the Debian Package ?

No. You need to be familiar with compiling software from source code.

RE: hi @ all, i use Debian Wheezy and have little trouble with audacious 3.2.3 - Added by Ferran Jorba over 11 years ago

Hi George,

I found your report here as I was looking for a solution to my same bug. As I have patched and recompiled for amd64 Wheezy Audacious with the patch attached here (using the instructions at, I've seen that it only modifies a small file. You can replace the at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/audacious/Container/ with the one I attach, and the problem is solved!

Thanks to all, (10.1 KB) Patched m3u plugin