


Can't play ALAC under Sabayon (Gentoo derivative)

Added by John Wells over 11 years ago

Hello all,

I really love Audacious and would prefer to use it as my main music player while booted into Sabayon Linux, but I am unable to play Apple Lossless with it. This is very strange because ALAC playback worked beautifully under Ubuntu (had to change distros for various reasons).

I'm running Audacious 3.3.3 (latest available in Gentoo Testing/Sabayon stable) along with Audacious Plugins version 3.3.3. Every other format plays fine. What am I doing wrong?

Replies (3)

RE: Can't play ALAC under Sabayon (Gentoo derivative) - Added by Michael Schwendt over 11 years ago

along with Audacious Plugins version 3.3.3

Which plug-ins in particular? For example, is the ffaudio/ffmpeg input plugin available and enabled?

RE: Can't play ALAC under Sabayon (Gentoo derivative) - Added by John Wells over 11 years ago

I'm not sure which plugins the pack was compiled with since it was installed from Sabayon's Entropy binary-based package manager. Should I compile my own with Portage?

Included image shows the plugins available in settings.

RE: Can't play ALAC under Sabayon (Gentoo derivative) - Added by John Wells over 11 years ago

Well after playing around with Portage I think I've found the problem.

The Gentoo ebuild for Audacious has USE flags for ffmpeg/ffaudio and I DO have ffmpeg installed, but when compiling audacious-plugins the configure script refuses to see FFMPEG and thus ignores the ffmpeg USE Flags, compiling without ffaudio support.

I'm not sure how to fix this. Perhaps I need to compile it myself with a modified configure script?
