projectM - where is the plugin
Added by Habs Habs almost 11 years ago
hello all
just a brief newbie question i suppose........ it is said that Audacious has a projectM plugin. projectM says Audacious has a plugin in 'audacious-plugins'.
ive installed audacious, audacious-plugins and projectM (projectM just to try out of interest really) and there is no recognition between the two.
do i need to do anything special, link symlink a file or something ?
Replies (5)
RE: projectM - where is the plugin
Added by John Lindgren almost 11 years ago
There was a projectM plugin at one time -- oh, I don't know, two or three years ago? I don't recall the exact reason we dropped it, though it may have had something to do with the GTK2-GTK3 switch.
RE: projectM - where is the plugin
Added by Ezequiel Partidad about 6 years ago
And why not make it work for the latest Audacious?..
It would be great to have it as well as mildrop2.
RE: projectM - where is the plugin
Added by jessica jones over 4 years ago
I would like to have it back too
RE: projectM - where is the plugin
Added by Ariadne Conill over 4 years ago
About a year ago, I attempted to resurrect the plugin, but I found that libprojectM is quite unstable when used with Audacious due to making certain assumptions about how it is integrated into the application. I suspect projectM will require significant refactoring to work reliably (e.g. not crash after a few minutes of use) with Audacious, which is unfortunate.
RE: projectM - where is the plugin
Added by Ezequiel Partidad about 1 year ago
It's been a while since this last message... libprojectM is now on version 3.
It would be great to have it.. Audacious is a great piece of software.