


Outline for developing an Audacious UI plugin

Added by John Wells about 8 years ago

Hello all,

I'd like to write a Cocoa UI plugin for Audacious. Is there any documentation I can refer to on this matter? I've glanced through the source of the Qt UI and it looks fairly straightforward. It seems that:

1. The bulk of functionality is provided by libaudcore, which the plugin uses
2. UI plugins are a little different from others in that they must have a component both in Audacious itself in addition to the plugin
3. I'll need to create Cocoa ports of any other graphical plugins in order for them to work with the Cocoa UI

Are these points correct? What's the general list of steps I'll need to take?

Replies (1)

RE: Outline for developing an Audacious UI plugin - Added by John Lindgren about 8 years ago

Would you consider helping to finish the Qt UI instead? It would be nice to complete that project before moving on to support for a third toolkit. Also, one of the hopes for the Qt UI is that it will be a decent experience on Mac.
