Bug #100
Library's sorting mode issues
1) Library often forgets that I have chosen a certain sort mode
2) If I've chosen to sort by Artist, then sorting must be done strictly in this order:
Artist -> Album Name -> Track Number -> Track Name
Currently it's not always so - see the attached screenshot
Updated by John Lindgren almost 13 years ago
It may seem backwards, but what you need to do to accomplish the sort order you want is this: sort the playlist by title, then by track number, then by album, and finally by artist.
Updated by John Lindgren almost 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Updated by Artem S. Tashkinov almost 13 years ago
What about the fact that Audacious often forgets the last chosen sort mode?
I cannot tell when exactly it happens, probably if you SIGKILL Audacious.
Updated by John Lindgren almost 13 years ago
Losing config or data of any sort on SIGKILL is never a bug. SIGKILL means the application is terminated immediately, and it has no chance to save anything. That's why you should almost never use SIGKILL. Use SIGTERM instead; that gives Audacious a chance to save things and exit cleanly.