Support #1139
Can't read files downloaded from (metadata read error)
The player showed a popup to inform me that it's unabled to read the metadata of the file.
The files I downloaded are playable with Windows 10 audio player.
To reproduce the issue :
download a song from (e.g. CKAY - LOVE NWANTINTI _ OFFICIAL AUDIO) and open it with Audacious.
Updated by John Lindgren over 3 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Support
Updated by Amine Mzoughi over 3 years ago
NB : I can't play the files downloaded from on my car MP3 player too. I guess I will use a YouTube converter it's a better alternative.
Updated by John Lindgren about 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Do you have the same issues with MP3 files downloaded from a more mainstream service (Amazon or such)?
Updated by Amine Mzoughi about 3 years ago
No. But I believe that a metadata error should not be an obstacle to read a file.
You can delete this issue if you don't agree.
Best Regards.
Updated by John Lindgren about 3 years ago
Okay, I changed the error message to align with your beliefs.
In a future version, it will say instead, "The file could not be decoded. It may be invalid, corrupt, or in an unsupported format."