Bug #1149
Do not automatically change the output plugin on error, stop playback instead
This has been driving me insane recently.
I've got the only output device: my Bluetooth headphones, whenever I power them off, I have no output devices any longer. My default output plugin is set to Pulse Audio.
What happens when I try to play audio in this case is that Audacious chooses the next available output plugin automatically, it's FileWriter here, so I end up with dozens of written files on the disk which I do not want.
Please add an option to stick to the chosen output plugin and shut down playback completely in the case the output plugin throws an error.
Thank you.
#1 Updated by John Lindgren almost 3 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Target version set to 4.2
- Status changed from New to Closed
#2 Updated by Artem S. Tashkinov almost 3 years ago
John Lindgren wrote:
Great many thanks!!