


Bug #1188

Trying to use mpg123 on a SymMOD

Added by Serj Doro over 2 years ago. Updated almost 2 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
September 22, 2022
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:


Audacious is trying to use mpg123 on a SymMod file which must be played via OpenMPT and fails
OpenMPT(libopenmpt 0.6.5) is installed and plays the file just fine
OS is Arch Linux


#1 Updated by Alex . over 2 years ago

to sort things out:

mpg123 is an audio-player, there is also libmpg123 which is used by Audacious
OpenMPT is an audio-tracker for the MS-Windows platform, it might run on GNU/Linux with Wine-surface
from my search, symmod files are files created by the symphony/symphony pro notation-applications, and OpenMPT can read them

So what is you r specific problem?
Do you try to open the symmod-files and your system wrongly handles it?
->Than it's a problem of the configuration of your system. You have to declare the application inside your mimeapps.list file.

Please write down if it's another problem.

#2 Updated by Thomas Lange over 2 years ago

Please attach a sample file.

#3 Updated by Michael Schwendt about 2 years ago

Alex . wrote:

Please write down if it's another problem.

The way I understand the problem report, it is about a file format detection issue. A MOD file (specifically a Symphony Module file) mistakenly being assigned to Audacious' MPG123 input plugin. Some more details will be needed. Such as the file name extension (originally it's .SYMMOD for such module files) and an example module file, too, as an attachment.

#4 Updated by Matti Tiainen about 2 years ago

This PR fixes the issue:

Tested with files from with and without the fix. Without the fix most files get recognized as MP2. With the PR the files recognize and play correctly.

#5 Updated by Matti Tiainen about 2 years ago

I guess correct fix would be to update the extension list for openmpt plugin though.

#6 Updated by Thomas Lange almost 2 years ago

  • Target version set to 4.3.1
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Category set to plugins/mpg123
  • Subject changed from Trying to use mpg123 on a SymMOD to Trying to use mpg123 on a SymMOD

Marking as closed, fixed with the Pull Request by Matti Tiainen.

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