Bug #258
scrobbler2: Segmentation fault
If the new scrobbler2 plugin is enabled, I get randomly segfaults.
I did nothing except enabling it and playing some audio files.
A backtrace is attached.
Updated by Luís Picciochi about 12 years ago
You're playing tracks without having associated the plugin with a last.fm account, is that it?
Can you show the title of a track where that happens?
Updated by Luís Picciochi about 12 years ago
OK, I think I got it: did you set a track playing and then select another one while the first was still playing, without pausing or stopping it?
If so, I was able to reproduce this on my machine. Audacious doesn't call the "ended" or "stopped" hooks on such cases. I can workaround this but maybe the core should be calling one of those hooks.
Updated by Thomas Lange about 12 years ago
- File backtrace_full.log backtrace_full.log added
You are right, I have not configured a Last.fm account.
But I still don't understand how to reproduce it. For me it happens randomly.
So how do you select another track while the first one is still playing?
Updated by Luís Picciochi about 12 years ago
- Play track A;
- Without pressing pause or stop, play track B;
- When the track reaches a "scrobbable" state (i.e., half of it has played or 4 minutes have passed, whichever comes first), Audacious segfaults.
This happens because on step 2 the plugin didn't receive an "end" or "stop" signal.
Updated by Thomas Lange about 12 years ago
- Assignee set to Luís Picciochi
Updated by John Lindgren about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Affects version 3.4-alpha1 added
- Affects version deleted (