


Bug #286

Slow file content probing

Added by Anonymous over 11 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
April 28, 2013
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:


Hello all. I'm using v3.3.4 in Debian Wheezy.

I like to keep my audio files without filename extensions.

Audacious reads and plays extensionless mp3 files perfectly quickly, displays immediately, and is able to get all the metadata (from tag and otherwise, including things like bitrate) when you open song info for a track.

It plays extensionless ogg and flac files immediately, but the player hangs about a minute (especially on flac files) before displaying anything in the GTK interface, and also does not give album, track number or bitrate. Strangely it does give the title, artist, comment and year, even when the folder names don't include year.

rrob.ogg (798 KB) rrob.ogg Anonymous, April 29, 2013 01:07
07 AM.png (73.8 KB) 07 AM.png Anonymous, April 29, 2013 06:10


#1 Updated by John Lindgren over 11 years ago

Please attach an example file; otherwise there's no way for anyone to help you.

#2 Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago

okay, for your testing pleasure, here's a clip of Rose Royce's "Ooh Boy"

#4 Updated by Anonymous over 11 years ago

sorry, i'm in over my head here. i don't know how to install those commits. unless it's easy enough to explain in a post i guess i'll just wait until it hits the next release. i appreciate you looking at this. i was wondering though, aside from not being able to reproduce the long delays, were you able to reproduce the behavior of not seeing all the vorbis tag info or bitrate info? the rrob.ogg file i included above contains:

Nominal bitrate: 256.000000 kb/s
Upper bitrate not set
Lower bitrate not set
User comments section follows...
ARTIST=Rose Royce
ALBUM=In Full Bloom
COMMENT=test comment
Vorbis stream 1:
Total data length: 7931842 bytes
Playback length: 4m:16.506s
Average bitrate: 247.380455 kb/s

but when i remove the filename extension and play in Audacious I only see the attached image, no bitrate or tracknumber, and no album in song info window but album "r" in the main window. the track is located in a folder called "r". also curious, if it's "Unknown sndfile", how is it able to know the vorbis comment and year?

#5 Updated by Michael Schwendt over 11 years ago

To Ryan:

You can run "audacious -V FILENAMEHERE" in your favourite terminal and observe what it does when it tries to recognise the file contents. Depending on what input plug-ins are enabled, several of the plug-ins try to examine the file data, which takes some time. That's not the case when the file extension is present and the .flac plugin is tried first. If the extension is missing, note that the "sndfile" plug-in (based on libsndfile) can handle FLAC, too, and may play the file instead of the "flacng" plug-in.

#6 Updated by John Lindgren over 11 years ago

The sndfile plugin was grabbing Ogg Vorbis files here without the .ogg extension; that's why I lowered its priority.

#7 Updated by Michael Schwendt over 11 years ago

Understood. I tried ext-less FLAC files here due to the original comment in the bug report. Quoting:

> but the player hangs about a minute (especially on flac files)

It doesn't hang so long, but displays "Buffering" for several seconds, and the sndfile plugin also took the FLAC files.

#8 Updated by John Lindgren over 11 years ago

I cannot reproduce any noticeable delay here when playing a 10-minute FLAC file with no extension.

#9 Updated by Michael Schwendt over 11 years ago

Here the MPG123 based does a lot of vfs seeking, causing a noticable delay of several seconds. Full log:

$ audacious -V flac
probe.c:65 [probe_func]: VFS: <0x22f6d00> seek to 0 from beginning
probe.c:65 [probe_func]: Trying MPG123 Plugin.
pluginenum.c:63 [plugin_load]: Loading plugin: /usr/lib64/audacious/Input/madplu
Trying MPG123 Plugin.
mpg123.c:66 [aud_mpg123_init]: initializing mpg123 library
VFS: <0x22f6d00> size = 37995628
VFS: <0x22fa280> size = 37995628
VFS: <0x22f6d00> seek to 0 from end
VFS: <0x22fa280> seek to 0 from end
VFS: <0x22f6d00> tell = 37995628
VFS: <0x22fa280> tell = 37995628
VFS: <0x22f6d00> seek to -128 from end
VFS: <0x22fa280> seek to -128 from end

... thousands of times ...

VFS: <0x22fa280> seek to -3 from current
VFS: <0x22fa280> tell = 28901037
VFS: <0x22fa280> seek to -3460 from current
VFS: <0x22fa280> tell = 28901041
mpg123.c:122 [mpg123_probe_for_fd]: Probe error: A generic mpg123 error.
VFS: <0x22fa280> seek to 0 from beginning
probe.c:65 [probe_func]: Trying OpenPSF PSF1/PSF2 Decoder.
probe.c:65 [probe_func]: Trying Sndfile Plugin.

$ grep ^VFS LOG|wc -l

#10 Updated by John Lindgren over 11 years ago

That should have been fixed by c6d076aa. Are you running Git master?

#11 Updated by John Lindgren over 11 years ago

  • Subject changed from slow response / fail to read metadata for certain files to Slow file content probing

#12 Updated by John Lindgren over 11 years ago

  • Category set to core
  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Target version set to 3.4
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

I'm going to assume this is fixed until shown otherwise.

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