Bug #327
Changing the icon theme does not affect icons of the "Playlist->Playlist Manager..." and "Playlist->Queue Manager..." menu entries
Checked with Elementary, Awoken, HighContrast etc. themes. Gnome icons are applied constantly.
Screenshots are attached.
#1 Updated by Michael Schwendt over 11 years ago
I'd say those are the icons that are shipped with Audacious:
$ rpmls audacious|grep pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/audacious/images/about-logo.pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/audacious/images/album.pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/audacious/images/audacious.pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/audacious/images/audio.pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/audacious/images/connectivity.pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/audacious/images/info.pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/audacious/images/menu_playlist.pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/audacious/images/menu_plugin.pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/audacious/images/menu_queue_toggle.pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/audacious/images/playlist.pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/audacious/images/plugins.pngrw-r--r- /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/audacious.png
#2 Updated by John Lindgren over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Not a bug. There are no icons in the freedesktop.org naming scheme [1] for "playlist" or "queue", so we have to ship our own.
[1] http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html
#3 Updated by Maxim Khaberev over 11 years ago
I believe that the "audio-x-playlist" MIME icon is a good option for the playlist menu.
Not sure about the option for the queue menu now.
#4 Updated by John Lindgren over 11 years ago
audio-x-playlist isn't anywhere to be found in the freedesktop.org spec.