Feature #521
Filewriter Plugin patch to allow output to be piped to stdout/CON
Now that Audacious is more like a standard UNIX program accepting streaming input from stdin, it seems only fitting to also be able to pipe output as well! I've implemented a patch to the FileWriter plugin to do just that. The patch only requires modifying filewriter.cc! NOTE: NOT tested on Windows, as I have no way to build Audacious for Windows. Here is the diff (applied against v3.6), along with the full modified source file (attached);
124c124,126 < static GtkWidget *prependnumber_toggle; --- > static gboolean use_stdout; /* JWT */ > > static GtkWidget *prependnumber_toggle = nullptr; 126a129,130 > static GtkWidget * saveplace1 = nullptr; > static GtkWidget * saveplace2 = nullptr; 157a162 > "use_stdout", "FALSE", /* JWT */ 169a175 > use_stdout = aud_get_bool ("filewriter", "use_stdout"); /* JWT */ 191c197 < if (! VFSFile::test_file (filename, VFS_EXISTS)) --- > if (use_stdout || ! VFSFile::test_file (filename, VFS_EXISTS)) 223c229 < if (filenamefromtags) --- > if (use_stdout) /* JWT */ 225,228c231,237 < String title = in_tuple.get_str (Tuple::FormattedTitle); < StringBuf buf = str_encode_percent (title); < str_replace_char (buf, '/', '-'); < filename = String (buf); --- > #ifdef _WINDOWS > filename = String ("file://CON"); > #endif > #ifndef _WINDOWS > filename = String ("file:///dev/stdout"); > #endif > 232,236c241 < const char * original = strrchr (in_filename, '/'); < g_return_val_if_fail (original != nullptr, 0); < filename = String (original + 1); < < if (! use_suffix) --- > if (filenamefromtags) 238,240c243,259 < const char * temp; < if ((temp = strrchr (filename, '.'))) < filename = String (str_copy (filename, temp - filename)); --- > String title = in_tuple.get_str (Tuple::FormattedTitle); > StringBuf buf = str_encode_percent (title); > str_replace_char (buf, '/', '-'); > filename = String (buf); > } > else > { > const char * original = strrchr (in_filename, '/'); > g_return_val_if_fail (original != nullptr, 0); > filename = String (original + 1); > > if (! use_suffix) > { > const char * temp; > if ((temp = strrchr (filename, '.'))) > filename = String (str_copy (filename, temp - filename)); > } 242d260 < } 244,249c262,267 < if (prependnumber) < { < int number = in_tuple.get_int (Tuple::Track); < if (number >= 0) < filename = String (str_printf ("%d%%20%s", number, (const char *) filename)); < } --- > if (prependnumber) > { > int number = in_tuple.get_int (Tuple::Track); > if (number >= 0) > filename = String (str_printf ("%d%%20%s", number, (const char *) filename)); > } 251,261c269,274 < if (save_original) < { < const char * temp = strrchr (in_filename, '/'); < g_return_val_if_fail (temp != nullptr, 0); < directory = String (str_copy (in_filename, temp + 1 - in_filename)); < } < else < { < g_return_val_if_fail (file_path[0], 0); < if (file_path[strlen (file_path) - 1] == '/') < directory = String (file_path); --- > if (save_original) > { > const char * temp = strrchr (in_filename, '/'); > g_return_val_if_fail (temp != nullptr, 0); > directory = String (str_copy (in_filename, temp + 1 - in_filename)); > } 263,264c276,282 < directory = String (str_concat ({file_path, "/"})); < } --- > { > g_return_val_if_fail (file_path[0], 0); > if (file_path[strlen (file_path) - 1] == '/') > directory = String (file_path); > else > directory = String (str_concat ({file_path, "/"})); > } 266,267c284,286 < filename = String (str_printf ("%s%s.%s", (const char *) directory, < (const char *) filename, fileext_str[fileext])); --- > filename = String (str_printf ("%s%s.%s", (const char *) directory, > (const char *) filename, fileext_str[fileext])); > } 321a341 > aud_set_bool ("filewriter", "use_stdout", use_stdout); /* JWT */ 364c384,387 < gtk_toggle_button_set_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(use_suffix_toggle), FALSE); --- > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(saveplace1, TRUE); /* JWT:NEXT 3 ADDED TO GREY OUT FILE OPTIONS WHEN USING stdout */ > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(saveplace2, TRUE); > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(prependnumber_toggle, TRUE); > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(path_hbox, TRUE); 366a390 > use_stdout = FALSE; 374a399,402 > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(saveplace1, TRUE); /* JWT:NEXT 4 ADDED TO GREY OUT FILE OPTIONS WHEN USING stdout */ > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(saveplace2, TRUE); > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(prependnumber_toggle, TRUE); > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(path_hbox, TRUE); 375a404,419 > use_stdout = FALSE; > } > } > > static void filenamefromstdout_cb(GtkWidget *button, void * data) /* JWT:ADDED TO GREY OUT FILE OPTIONS WHEN USING stdout */ > { > if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(button))) > { > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(path_hbox, FALSE); > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(saveplace1, FALSE); > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(saveplace2, FALSE); > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(use_suffix_toggle, FALSE); > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(prependnumber_toggle, FALSE); > use_suffix = FALSE; > filenamefromtags = TRUE; > use_stdout = TRUE; 412c456 < GtkWidget * saveplace1 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (nullptr, --- > saveplace1 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (nullptr, 416c460 < GtkWidget * saveplace2 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget --- > saveplace2 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget 448c492 < (nullptr, _("Original file tag")); --- > (nullptr, _("file tag")); 453c497 < ((GtkRadioButton *) filenamefrom_toggle1, _("Original file name")); --- > ((GtkRadioButton *) filenamefrom_toggle1, _("file name")); 456c500,511 < if (!filenamefromtags) --- > GtkWidget * filenamefrom_toggle3 = /* JWT */ > gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget > ((GtkRadioButton *) filenamefrom_toggle1, _("stdout")); > gtk_box_pack_start ((GtkBox *) filenamefrom_hbox, filenamefrom_toggle3, FALSE, FALSE, 0); > > if (use_stdout) /* JWT */ > { > gtk_widget_set_sensitive (saveplace1, FALSE); > gtk_widget_set_sensitive (saveplace2, FALSE); > gtk_toggle_button_set_active ((GtkToggleButton *) filenamefrom_toggle3, TRUE); > } > else if (!filenamefromtags) 463c518 < if (filenamefromtags) --- > if (filenamefromtags || use_stdout) 471a527,532 > if (use_stdout) /* JWT */ > { > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(path_hbox, FALSE); > gtk_widget_set_sensitive(prependnumber_toggle, FALSE); > } > 477,478c538,539 < g_signal_connect (filenamefrom_toggle2, "toggled", < (GCallback) filenamefromfilename_cb, nullptr); --- > g_signal_connect (filenamefrom_toggle2, "toggled", (GCallback) filenamefromfilename_cb, nullptr); > g_signal_connect (filenamefrom_toggle3, "toggled", (GCallback) filenamefromstdout_cb, nullptr); /* JWT */
Jim Turner
Updated by John Lindgren almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Not possible; all of the output formats (except Vorbis) assume that the output is seekable.
Updated by Jim Turner almost 10 years ago
Interesting, b/c I used your latest GIT (as well as on my modified v.3.6) and tested ALL FOUR formats (wav, ogg, mp3, and fla) and they all SEEM to work! I tested both starting playback at the beginning of song file and even switching from ALSA to filewriter "midstream" and back, and I got a playable file each time (with artist & title, if it had them), of the selected type via
$>audacious http://anystreamstation.pls >mycapturefile.wav &
Am I missing something? Did you actually TRY the patch before rejecting?!
Updated by John Lindgren about 9 years ago
Jim Turner wrote:
Am I missing something? Did you actually TRY the patch before rejecting?!
First, sorry for the very belated reply. It's likely that the files produced would be playable but not finalized correctly. For example, after encoding an MP3 file, we [try to] go back near the beginning of the file and write the LAME/Xing tag, which is needed in VBR files for correct length calculation and seeking. That would fail with stdout, and you would be left with a blank tag at the beginning of the file.
With a WAV file it's similar; we write the header initially indicating a zero file length and zero data length, then go back and update them later. I imagine some players (perhaps including Audacious--I haven't tested this) will play the files even with the zeroes, but that doesn't mean it's good to be writing them that way.
Not sure exactly what would happen with FLAC since the seeking is done at a lower level that we don't have control over in Audacious. Vorbis is the only one of which I can safely say it would work correctly, since the module contains no fseek() calls.