Feature #674
Display song info when hovering over shaded window
When playing a song or stream in the Winamp Classic interface and the main window is shaded, it's not possible to see what's playing (ie. the title) without popping up the playlist window.
It would be really helpful to have the little popup "balloon" with the song info that displays when hovering over a song in the playlist window to also pop up for the current song when hovering over the middle (the pulsing equalizer band graphic / time display) of the shaded main window.
This is really only applicable to the Winamp Classic interface.
I've included a rather simple patch to a single source file (skins/main.cc) which does just that. NOTE: the skins-qt/main.cc will pbly. need changin' in a very similar way, but I don't have QT so can't test.
Updated by Jim Turner over 8 years ago
Never mind the patch, it's "STUCKSTERED" - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr$%^$*$&*%&*%(!
Updated by Jim Turner over 8 years ago
- File main2.cc.diff main2.cc.diff added
Line 68 should be "return Window::motion (event);" instead of "return true;" Pbm. was the event to move the window was not getting passed upstream so the window was "STUCK". Apparently I hadn't tried MOVING the window whilst testing.
I've learnt over the years that there ain't NO BETTER WAY TO FIND THE SERIOUS BUG than to PUBLISH a piece of code! :D
Updated by John Lindgren over 8 years ago
- Subject changed from Yet another "wouldbenice2have" request (with patch) to Display song info when hovering over shaded window
- Target version deleted (
Updated by John Lindgren over 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Target version set to 4.0
- Status changed from New to Closed
Simplified and applied, thanks:
Updated by Jim Turner over 5 years ago
Wow, I'd forgotton a/b this! Since then I've also got it working on the Qt side too. Here's my code for skins-qt/main.cc. The only part that you'll need to look at is lines 87-89 and 537-547 (enterEvent()). I would just first go ahead and test it out in Audacious-GIT and then just send you a working Audacious patch for it, but I'm on travel for the week and don't have Qt on this box.
Updated by John Lindgren over 5 years ago
In theory, the change I pushed on the GTK side should translate almost directly. (Widget::motion() and Widget::leave() already exist in the Qt version as well.) However, it didn't work when I tested it last night. It seemed like Widget::motion() wasn't getting called for top-level widgets, for some reason I couldn't figure out. If you can figure that out, and get something tested working for Qt, please post it in a new issue.