Bug #784
Audio jumps at the start of some tracks when playing CUE+TTA files
Steps to reproduce:
1. Download and play the example file with the attached cue sheet:
https://0x0.st/sMTG.tta (rename to "Fantasia of the Shades, by the Shades, for the Shades.tta")
2. Play the 4th track (you can seek to a few seconds before the end) and play it to the end.
3. When the 5th track starts the audio jumps - a small fragment of the track is played twice.
Happens with Audacious 3.9 and libcue 2.2.0 on Manjaro Linux. Also happens with other files.
Updated by John Lindgren almost 7 years ago
The jump happens because Audacious re-opens the TTA file between tracks and tries to restart from the place it left off. This works okay if the decoder can seek to an exact sample (the better decoders like MP3 and FLAC can do this, for example); otherwise you will hear a glitch. It would be possible to fix, eventually, but it's not trivial.