Bug #86
Symbol collision: playlist_delete_selected
In the gtkui, pressing either the "Del" key or using the playlist context-menu "Cut" to delete/cut a track from the playlist fails since 3.2-beta1. Last version it worked in is 3.2-alpha1.
The Winamp gui is not affected.
Updated by Michael Schwendt almost 13 years ago
- File audacious-plugins-3.2-beta1-playlist-delete.patch audacious-plugins-3.2-beta1-playlist-delete.patch added
Done some debugging...
Updated by John Lindgren almost 13 years ago
I am unable to reproduce. Also, will you explain the reasoning behind your patch?
Updated by Michael Schwendt almost 13 years ago
Without the renaming, I experience symbol collision between audacious-plugins /src/gtkui/ui_gtk.c and /src/audacious/playlist-new.c:
#0 playlist_delete_selected (playlist_num=8630720) at playlist-new.c:1425
#1 0x00007fffed242215 in playlist_keypress_cb (widget=<optimized out>,
event=<optimized out>, unused=<optimized out>) at ui_gtk.c:581
Reproducible on the older Fedora 16 (x86_64).
Updated by John Lindgren almost 13 years ago
- Subject changed from gtkui playlist "Cut" action fails since 3.2-beta1 to Symbol collision: playlist_delete_selected
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Priority changed from Minor to Major
- Target version set to 3.2.2
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Affects version 3.2.1 added
- Affects version deleted (
playlist_delete_selected(), in Audacious core, is not supposed to be visible to plugins. Fixed in master (and will be backported to 3.2.2):