Feature #899
Album art (cover) as an additional columun in Qt version
If it's not a big trouble, please consider adding a column for album art for the forthcoming Qt version. Contrasted with a wall of text, visual clue "helps a lot" especially with a large collection and with classical music.
Please see the screenshot of DeadBeef, the only player having this feature and the only GTK app I keep because of that, otherwise I would use qmmp.
Updated by acar burak over 5 years ago
By "otherwise I would use qmmp" I meant "if for not that feature I would use qmmp, I could have replaced deadbeef with qmmp".
Updated by acar burak over 5 years ago
Sorry, obviously it's not just a column, but it is together with the grouping feature, otherwise every track would have cover art next to it cluttering the playlist(s).
Updated by John Lindgren over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Closing feature requests that have seen no activity in 3 years.