Feature #909
remember open/close status of equalizer and equalizer-presets windows
For usability purposes, it would be nice if the equalizer and equalizer presets windows would open at startup if they were open at last closure, as it's done for the playlist manager window.
Updated by Jim Turner over 5 years ago
It's always worked for me in the "skins" interfaces, but I concur, the equalizer window, if open when Audacious closes, should also pop up opened in the same place in the non-skinned interfaces too!
Updated by Jim Turner almost 5 years ago
- File init.cc.diff init.cc.diff added
- File equalizer.cc.diff equalizer.cc.diff added
- File equalizer-qt.cc.diff equalizer-qt.cc.diff added
- File audqt.cc.diff audqt.cc.diff added
Ok, due to lack of response, I've FIXED this for the equalizer window in my forked version. Personally, I don't think the preset window should remain up as it is just one of many secondary popup dialogs. On the Qt side, the equalizer also remembers where it was last popped up (pbly. dependent on whether your window-manager honors "pposition"). Anyway, I've attached the patches against Audacious GIT as/of 4/21.
NOTE!: (BEFORE and UNRELATED to this patch: the aformentioned 4/21 GIT either segfaults or string-leaks frequently when exiting the Qt version)!
Updated by John Lindgren almost 5 years ago
Jim Turner wrote:
NOTE!: (BEFORE and UNRELATED to this patch: the aformentioned 4/21 GIT either segfaults or string-leaks frequently when exiting the Qt version)!
Please file a separate bug report for this with complete details (Qt version, steps to reproduce, backtrace).
Updated by Jim Turner almost 5 years ago
Ok, I'll back out the patch, and apply the commit you did today since this, run it again. save the requested debug info, and file a separate bug (assuming it still fails). Either way, please review the patch in the meantime (as I said though, I did a fresh install from Git and ran Audacious BEFORE applying anything!)
Updated by John Lindgren almost 5 years ago
I'm personally not working on any new feature development past 4.0. So I will leave it up to one of the other developers to review and/or apply these patches.
Updated by Jim Turner almost 5 years ago
@John - I saw recently that you're "semi-retiring" from Audacious as it pretty much does what you want (excellent). I've been thinking the exact same thing about my fork of the project, but also, sad to say, due to lack of uptake on my fork (I suck at marketing, lol), but you (all) keep throwing in some interesting things (and some curveballs and fixes) here and there that I just have to play/muck with! ;)
I did test Audacious some more tonite and reported my findings in a new bug (#975), but when I post, I'm not necessarily addressing requests to you personally, but to the Audacious team (to whomever it may concern / is working on that area).