


Album Art - the title display

Added by Errol Abury about 9 years ago

This is a request... re the Album plug-in

When it it docked--wherever--why is it necessary to see the label, "Album Art" above the image being displayed?

I choose not to show any column headers and when a cover is displayed, it implies that some art is showing; that label is simply a distraction; it would be nice to either have it off if one deselects the "Show column headers"; or automatically if one docks a plug-in; or an option somewhere that would effect the same result.

This would apply I'm sure to other plug-ins: like if one has Lyrics docked; similarly why show that label if it's obvious that some lyrics are being displayed!

Otherwise... it's still really a great and fav app!

Replies (8)

RE: Album Art - the title display - Added by John Lindgren about 9 years ago

The label is there to provide a place to right-click if you want to undock or change the location of the plugin.

RE: Album Art - the title display - Added by Errol Abury about 9 years ago

Umm... yeah okay... that is kinda intuitive!

But then once that docking action has been actioned--just like there's an option to not display headers--it would be nice not to continue with cluttering the display with that label; the same would be true for lyrics. Like I said, an idea...

RE: Album Art - the title display - Added by Thomas Lange about 9 years ago

I agree that this is not the best solution.
But how would you undock a docked plugin? Which way seems intuitive for you?

RE: Album Art - the title display - Added by Errol Abury about 9 years ago

Hey yeah... good question!
I've been looking at this from a number of angles...
When the plugin is docked, two things could occur:

(a) the "Album Art" could disappear and
(b) when one was to right-click--in that image placeholder--then those 6 actions would appear

After staring at this Audacious window for a few days now--to answer that "intuitive" question--why not just have the plugin when one first initiates NOT displaying "Album Art"? Why? 'Cos the titlebar already shows that label anyway. Then if the whole image placeholder is a mouse hot spot, a right-click anywhere would take one to one of those 6 actions. Then (b) would work for the reverse of any action...

RE: Album Art - the title display - Added by John Lindgren about 9 years ago

Errol Abury wrote:

Then if the whole image placeholder is a mouse hot spot, a right-click anywhere would take one to one of those 6 actions. Then (b) would work for the reverse of any action...

This would be a bit tricky from a technical standpoint, since it would require the UI plugin responding to mouse clicks on a widget owned by another plugin. But really, the whole discussion is a bit moot since we are switching to Qt, which has its own way of managing docked widgets.

RE: Album Art - the title display - Added by Errol Abury about 9 years ago

No worries! Moot it may remain.

QT is not nice at all, at least not on Xfce; I avoid QT versions of an app simply because they don't look nice and don't behave like their GTK cousins. For instance in QT, this plugin doesn't resize the cover art--whatever image size you start with stays the same even when one resizes the place holder; there are no options to hide column headings; none of the View options under GTK are available in QT View menu; and so on...

(This isn't just a thing I've noticed with Audacious; at least for the one or two other apps that have come across my desktop, it just seems that whenever there are GTK-QT versions, the QT doesn't match feature-for-feature of the GTK one.)

Audacious is nonetheless an awesome app!

RE: Album Art - the title display - Added by Errol Abury about 9 years ago

And unrelated to the OTP... this is just a comment about QT (on Xfce)
Because I am slightly sight challenged, I use rather large fonts, that look-n-work just fine with GTK-based code but should I switch to a QT app then the font-size shrinks, sometimes way too small... oddly though, this is not the case with Audacious!

RE: Album Art - the title display - Added by John Lindgren about 9 years ago

Errol Abury wrote:

QT is not nice at all, at least not on Xfce; I avoid QT versions of an app simply because they don't look nice and don't behave like their GTK cousins. For instance in QT, this plugin doesn't resize the cover art--whatever image size you start with stays the same even when one resizes the place holder; there are no options to hide column headings; none of the View options under GTK are available in QT View menu; and so on...

Well, you have to understand that the Qt UI is still a work in progress, so it's expected that there will be bugs and missing features. Eventually, all of the features of the GTK+ UI will be ported, and the bugs will be fixed. (Actually I think the cover art resizing issue may be already fixed in Git master.) But we certainly appreciate the feedback!
