Since 3.2.4, clicking on the song slider doesn't do anything anymore.
Added by Stoycho Ganev over 12 years ago
You can only change position when dragging the slider. This is very annoying. Any plans to fix it? Thanks.
Replies (9)
RE: Since 3.2.4, clicking on the song slider doesn't do anything anymore.
Added by John Lindgren over 12 years ago
No, and the issue has already been discussed at length. Read
RE: Since 3.2.4, clicking on the song slider doesn't do anything anymore.
Added by Stoycho Ganev over 12 years ago
OK, middle clicking is cool, I wasn't aware it worked that way now. It's OK, thanks!
RE: Since 3.2.4, clicking on the song slider doesn't do anything anymore.
Added by Pascual Lucero over 12 years ago
I know we have discussed this, but I would like to ask you again if this behavior could be changed only for the legacy version 3.2.4. Just to clarify, I don't use it (I use 3.3beta2) and I can live with the issue of middle clicking until I can get GTK+ 3.5 (in a few months), but if you keep this version (for people who still have to use GTK+2.x) and that "old GTK" won't change the behavior of GTKSlider, then they will be thinking forever that something "doesn't work".
At least for users like me (who try to use the latest possible version of everything), we know everything will work as desired sooner or later with the updates, but not for all (and yes, I know that I can drag the song slider using the mouse, but it doesn't work as smoothly as the traditional behavior not just for Audacious, but media players in general).
Thanks for your attention.
PS: Would you include libgtk3.5 (or higher), in the zip file for the Windows version when 3.3 is released? (usually I see libgtk2.10 is included in the current Windows compressed file). Thanks!!
RE: Since 3.2.4, clicking on the song slider doesn't do anything anymore.
Added by Thomas Lange over 12 years ago
@Stoycho Ganev:
If you are aware of compiling Audacious from source,
you can apply the attached patch which restores the usual behavior.
@Pascual Lucero:
Audacious 3.3 dropped the support for GTK2 so I think there is no other option.
slider.patch (924 Bytes) slider.patch | Restore the usual slider behavior |
RE: Since 3.2.4, clicking on the song slider doesn't do anything anymore.
Added by Pascual Lucero over 12 years ago
Hello, thanks ... my first question was directed to the legacy version 3.2.4, which as far as I know will be mantained as a legacy version for GTK2, so my question was not directed to Audacious 3.3 in Linux.
And my second question is directed to the Windows version of Audacious, because the zip file includes the GTK files, so I don't know if 3.3 in Windows would include GTK3.5 or not. :)
RE: Since 3.2.4, clicking on the song slider doesn't do anything anymore.
Added by Thomas Lange over 12 years ago
The first part of my answer was not only directed to Audacious 3.3 on Linux
and also not to you. ;)
To your second question:
That is really unlikely because 3.5 is a development version.
3.6 will be the stable one.
RE: Since 3.2.4, clicking on the song slider doesn't do anything anymore.
Added by John Lindgren over 12 years ago
If you are compiling Audacious 3.2.4 for GTK+ 2.x, feel free to patch it, but we will not be re-adding the workaround in upstream source.
As for Windows ... I have yet to see any version of GTK+ 3.x that is stable on Windows (the last I tried was 3.4.0). Until there is one, Windows users will be stuck with Audacious 3.2.4 and GTK+ 2.24.
RE: Since 3.2.4, clicking on the song slider doesn't do anything anymore.
Added by Pascual Lucero over 12 years ago
Thanks for your answers on the Windows version. As a final question (not related to the song slider, but the Windows version), it seems that for the reasons you explain of stable GTK+3 version, 3.2.x would be around for some time in Windows ... so I would like to ask for a couple of thing for version "3.2.5" if that could exist. I will create a separate topic right now to ask you. Thanks again :)
RE: Since 3.2.4, clicking on the song slider doesn't do anything anymore.
Added by Artem S. Tashkinov over 12 years ago
Stoycho Ganev wrote:
You can only change position when dragging the slider. This is very annoying. Any plans to fix it? Thanks.
You can download a patch to get the old behavior back from here (it's strictly for Audacious 3.2.4):