


Remove song feature

Added by Marcin Kocur over 10 years ago


I'm wondering how to use new delete song feature. There is a plugin which enables RMB click on a song > Service > Remove selected files. There is also a setting to skip current track when it's deleted. Fine, but how I can remove a track via a shortcut? If there is no "normal" way, a dbus call would be much appreciated.

Replies (3)

RE: Remove song feature - Added by John Lindgren over 10 years ago

You can do it with audtool:

rm "`audtool current-song-filename`" 
audtool playlist-delete `audtool playlist-position`

RE: Remove song feature - Added by Marcin Kocur over 10 years ago

Okay, so I guess it was possible before 3.5. Any chance for less dirty hack implementation? ;)

RE: Remove song feature - Added by John Lindgren over 10 years ago

Not immediately. The current Services menu doesn't allow keyboard shortcuts.
