


Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit

Added by Howard Moreland over 10 years ago

Many midi files play correctly, and current position can be changed with the time slider. However, some midi files play correctly if started and allowed to run, but Audacious freezes if the slider is moved ahead. Sound stops, the timer keeps advancing until any button is clicked. Everything is then locked. Audacious has to be closed to recover.

The problem files seem to be ones with lots of tempo changes. For one file with no tempo changes in the first part, but many later, moving the slider works OK in the section without tempo changes, but freezes if the slider is moved to the section that does have tempo changes.

KMid can play the problem files with correct slider behavior, so it seems to not be a Fluidsynth issue.

System is:
Audacious 3.4.2-1.7
audacious-plugins 3.4.2-3.8
Fluidsynth 1.1.6-5.1.2
openSUSE 13.1, 32-bit
KDE 4.11.5
GTK 3.10.4-12.1
soundfont WST25FStein_00Sep22.SF2
KMid Version 2.4.0

ThinkPad X41
Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz

Are there some settings to work around this behavior, or is this a bug to be reported?


Replies (14)

RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by John Lindgren over 10 years ago

Can you update to 3.5 and see if the problem still happens? The MIDI plugin in 3.4.x was extremely complicated due to trying to support both Fluidsynth and hardware MIDI playback, and I wouldn't be surprised there is some corner case that can lock it up. If the problem persists in 3.5, please run Audacious from within GDB, stop it (Ctrl-Z) when it locks up, and do "thread apply all bt" to see where it is getting stuck.

RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by Howard Moreland over 10 years ago

I uninstalled 3.4.2 with YaST. I've tried to compile and install 3.5 according to the how-to at That had some problems, and is not working right yet. When I start it in a terminal I get:

howard@X41-int-oS131:~> audacious
FATAL: No output plugin found.
String leaked: replay_gain_album
String leaked: sw_volume_left
String leaked: FALSE
String leaked: /home/howard/WinXP_int_D drive/Sound fonts/WST25FStein_00Sep22.SF2
String leaked: eqpreset_default_file
String leaked: Master
String leaked: 309
String leaked: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
String leaked: convert_backslash
String leaked: amidiplug
String leaked: player_width
String leaked: mixer-element
String leaked: equalizer_active
String leaked:  - 
String leaked: playlist_manager_close_on_activate
String leaked: column_expand
String leaked: recurse_for_cover
String leaked: shuffle
String leaked: 0,-1,-1,200,627
String leaked: show_numbers_in_pl
String leaked: 256
String leaked: close_dialog_add
String leaked: use_proxy
String leaked: fsyn_soundfont_file
String leaked: sw_volume_right
String leaked: filepopup_showprogressbar
String leaked: playlist_path
String leaked: audacious
String leaked: replay_gain_preamp
String leaked: gtkui-layout
String leaked: use_proxy_auth
String leaked: item0_name
String leaked: audgui
String leaked: stop_after_current_song
String leaked: no_playlist_advance
String leaked: -3
String leaked: set chardet_detector
String leaked: 
String leaked: 0
String leaked: TRUE
String leaked: ap_seq_backend  
String leaked: item0_pos 
String leaked: filesel_path  
String leaked: column_widths 
String leaked: advance_on_delete 
String leaked: album
String leaked: 1
String leaked: show_interface
String leaked: back
String leaked: recurse_for_cover_depth
String leaked: 100
String leaked: alsa
String leaked: enable_replay_gain
String leaked: repeat
String leaked: soft_clipping
String leaked: playlist_manager_w
String leaked: set equalizer_preamp
String leaked: filepopup_delay
String leaked: 2
String leaked: metadata_on_play
String leaked: cover_name_include
String leaked: title
String leaked: playlist set playing
String leaked: software_volume_control
String leaked: playlist_manager_h
String leaked: playlist_manager_x
String leaked: 1,1,1,0,0
String leaked: output_bit_depth
String leaked: show_filepopup_for_tuple
String leaked: remember_jtf_entry
String leaked: default_gain
String leaked: fsyn_synth_gain
String leaked: leading_zero
String leaked: file:///home/howard/Music
String leaked: playlist_manager_y
String leaked: Search Tool
String leaked: 400
String leaked: output_buffer_size
String leaked: player_x
String leaked: ISO-8859-1
String leaked: gtkui
String leaked: 5
String leaked: enable_clipping_prevention
String leaked: 1,1,1,1,1
String leaked: eqpreset_extension
String leaked: set equalizer_bands
String leaked: resume_playback_on_startup
String leaked: player_height
String leaked: 500
String leaked: player_y
String leaked: generic_title_format
String leaked: set chardet_fallback
String leaked: equalizer_preamp
String leaked: close_dialog_open
String leaked: fsyn_synth_polyphony
String leaked: open_to_temporary
String leaked: 16
String leaked: 1024
String leaked: item_count
String leaked: /home/howard/WinXP_int_D drive/Midi/Classical/As received/Rachmaninov
String leaked: artist
String leaked: playlist position
String leaked: 232
String leaked: 250
String leaked: cover_name_exclude
String leaked: fsyn_synth_chorus
String leaked: close_jtf_dialog
String leaked: clear_playlist
String leaked: equalizer_bands
String leaked: album,cover,front,folder
String leaked: set equalizer_active
String leaked: equalizer_autoload
String leaked: use_file_cover
String leaked: fluidsynth
String leaked: 721
String leaked: chardet_fallback
String leaked: player_visible
String leaked: fsyn_synth_reverb
String leaked: ${?artist:${artist} - }${?album:${album} - }${title} 

Some of this is left over from 3.4.2. How can I clean out that?
Any other suggestions?

RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by Audacious User2 over 10 years ago

You did follow the updated post, correct?

FATAL: No output plugin found.

That probably means you didn't have appropriate alsa or pulseaudio development packages installed.

If can't get it to build correctly, please give build logs...

RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by Howard Moreland over 10 years ago

Correct, I used the updated post. alsa-devel and libpulse-devel are installed.
Errors during "make -j4" are:

Entering directory mms.
Successfully compiled skins_cfg.c (plugin).
mms.c:24:18: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory
 #include <glib.h>
compilation terminated.
Successfully generated dependencies.
Successfully linked
Leaving directory gtkui.
mms.c:24:18: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory
 #include <glib.h>
compilation terminated.
Failed to compile mms.c (plugin)!
make[5]: *** [mms.plugin.o] Error 1
make[4]: *** [all] Error 2
make[3]: *** [mms] Error 2
make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....


make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [src] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

Where are the build logs you mention?

RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by John Lindgren over 10 years ago

Oops. The mms plugin is apparently relying on libmms to provide the GLib include path. And of course OpenSUSE patches libmms so it doesn't provide the include path [1]. I will fix this for 3.5.1.


RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by Howard Moreland over 10 years ago

Thanks, that fixed the error in the audacious-plugins "make -j4" command. It now completes without error.

Running audacious still gives

FATAL: No output plugin found.

I'll try to compile and install 3.5 on my openSUSE 12.3 KDE 32-bit machine. That's the closest I can come to the platform that worked in the how-to.

RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by Howard Moreland over 10 years ago

Success on openSUSE 12.3 KDE 32-bit. Audacious 3.5 and plugins compiled and installed (needed the mms makefile fix above). It made the RPM files, which failed on openSUSE 13.1

Running Audacious 3.5 on the 12.3 machine works correctly with the same soundfont and .mid files that froze on the 13.1 machine with Audacious 3.4.2. The Audacious 3.5 time slider can be clicked back and forth and the play follows it correctly. Great joy.

Now I just have figure out how to get Audacious 3.5 running on the openSUSE 13.1 machine.

Will getting rid of the 3.4.2 remnants help? If so, how do I do that?


RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by John Lindgren over 10 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by remnants, but if you uninstalled 3.4.2 from the package manager, it should be fine to go ahead and install 3.5. Did you have a problem building 3.5 on this machine?

RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by Howard Moreland over 10 years ago

John Lindgren wrote:

I'm not sure what you mean by remnants, but if you uninstalled 3.4.2 from the package manager, it should be fine to go ahead and install 3.5. Did you have a problem building 3.5 on this machine?

Something is not building right on this openSUSE 13.1 machine. After uninstalling 3.4.2 and compiling and installing 3.5, running in a terminal gives the results above in my second post. The line

String leaked: /home/howard/WinXP_int_D drive/Midi/Classical/As received/Rachmaninov

is the last file played in 3.4.2, so 3.5 found that information somewhere.

When building 3.5, the command

sudo /usr/sbin/checkinstall -R --fstrans=no --pakdir=.

======================== Installation successful ==========================

Copying documentation directory...

Copying files to the temporary directory...OK

Stripping ELF binaries and libraries...OK

Compressing man pages...OK

Building file list...OK

Building RPM package... FAILED!

*** Failed to build the package

Do you want to see the log file?  [y]: y

Erasing temporary files...OK

Deleting doc-pak directory...OK

Writing backup package...OK

Deleting temp dir...OK


and the log file is
Building target platforms: i386
Building for target i386
Processing files: audacious-3.5-1.i386
error: Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/
error: Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/
error: Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/
error: Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/
error: Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/
error: Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/

RPM build errors:
    Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/
    Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/
    Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/
    Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/
    Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/
    Not a directory: /var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/package/usr/lib/
/var/tmp/tmp.vBCsYB9jBF/rpmbuild.log (END)

The RPM built correctly on the openSUSE 12.3 machine. Maybe something changed between 12.3 and 13.1 that is causing this.

RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by John Lindgren over 10 years ago

Howard Moreland wrote:

Something is not building right on this openSUSE 13.1 machine. After uninstalling 3.4.2 and compiling and installing 3.5, running in a terminal gives the results above in my second post. The line
is the last file played in 3.4.2, so 3.5 found that information somewhere.

The file path is coming from the playlists stored in $HOME/.config/audacious; that's not a problem. Just ignore the "String leaked" messages; it's a mistake that those are being displayed at all (will be fixed in 3.5.1). The key piece of information is "No output plugin found"; that means audacious-plugins didn't get installed successfully. It would be helpful to see the config.log file that was generated when you configured audacious-plugins.

RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by Howard Moreland over 10 years ago

John Lindgren wrote:
The key piece of information is "No output plugin found"; that means audacious-plugins didn't get installed successfully. It would be helpful to see the config.log file that was generated when you configured audacious-plugins.

The config.log file after running

./configure --prefix=/usr

in the audacious-plugins directory is attached.

config.log (64.9 KB) config.log for audacious-plugins

RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by John Lindgren over 10 years ago

No problems there. How about running "ls /usr/lib/audacious/Output" and then "audacious -V"?

RE: Playing some midi files freezes when slider is moved - openSUSE 13.1, KDE, 32-bit - Added by Howard Moreland over 10 years ago

John Lindgren wrote:

No problems there. How about running "ls /usr/lib/audacious/Output" and then "audacious -V"?

When I ran "ls /usr/lib/audacious/Output" it reported there was no such directory. Seemed a bad state of affairs, so I went through the installation procedure of the how-to again. For Audacious 3.5, it still failed to create an RPM, so I used "sudo make -j4 install" instead. For audacious-plugins-3.5, an RPM was built. Trying to install it with YaST gave "nothing provides needed by audacious-plugins-3.5-1.i386" so I canceled and used "sudo make -j4 install" in a terminal again.

Audacious 3.5 is now installed and working. The time slider works on the file that gave trouble in 3.4.2.

I obviously did something incorrectly the first try at installation.

Thanks for this improved version of a very nice application.

Best regards,
