


Open dialog does not show folders before files

Added by yzT yzT about 10 years ago

I'm running Debian Jessie with KDE and noticed that Audacious does not show the folders before files in the open dialog menu, instead it shows them mixed alphabetically sorted.

Checking another applications, I noticed the problem is not Audacious itself but GTK3, because on DeadBeef with GTK3 I got the same problem, but with GTK2 I don't.

How could I fix this? Do you know? Because I really need Audacious working as it has been always working.

Replies (3)

RE: Open dialog does not show folders before files - Added by John Lindgren about 10 years ago

I noticed this also. It is a pain. We will be switching back to GTK2 in the next release because of this and other problems with GTK3. The Git version has already switched, if you are up to installing from source.

RE: Open dialog does not show folders before files - Added by Thomas Lange about 10 years ago

There's a gsetting to change this behavior. Its default value is false.

gsettings set org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser sort-directories-first true