


audacious problem with font

Added by peter smith almost 10 years ago

hello. i have problem with audacious player. I use Linux Mint 17 with cinnamon enviroment , and problem is when I turning mp'3 and and looks as follows.

Temporary I use qmmp player. i need help. thnx. :)

Replies (6)

RE: audacious problem with font - Added by John Lindgren almost 10 years ago

I see some really bad rendering problems in your screenshot, but I don't see what that has to do with Audacious.

RE: audacious problem with font - Added by peter smith almost 10 years ago

problem is with audacious. when i start this program , and i clicking on the next music mp3 file, than cinnamon crashed font , that you see in the screen.

now, i use qmmp , and it's ok.

RE: audacious problem with font - Added by John Lindgren almost 10 years ago

Audacious does not control Cinnamon's font rendering. If Audacious happens to trigger a bug in Cinnamon, the bug still is in Cinnamon. You are wasting your time here.

RE: audacious problem with font - Added by Ariadne Conill almost 10 years ago

what graphics driver are you using? it is probably a bug in being triggered in glyph-cache code there.
