


Winamp Skins glitch in Audacious 3.6.2

Added by Alexander Jones almost 10 years ago


I give sincerest apologize in advance if this is the wrong place to ask this, but I've recently updated to Audacious 3.6.2 (yesterday, actually). Ever since then, several of my Winamp skins have this mysterious white bar where the progress indicator usually is. I've attached some pictures to help show what I mean, as well as the skins themselves in case that helps. Skin #1 has this little white border at the very edge of it; that is an artifact of the screen capturing program, not the skin itself. The white blocks inside it are the actual issue, the ones covering the controls. I'm guessing it was a bug in these skins when they were designed, but it's many of them (not just these two), and it never showed in any previous version of Audacious. Does anyone have an idea to fix it? These are among my favorite skins, and I would really like to use them...

Skin1.png (56.2 KB) Skin1.png Skin #1
Skin2.png (3.12 KB) Skin2.png Skin #2
fire_elemental.wsz (245 KB) fire_elemental.wsz Fire Elemental, skin #1
nuclear_memory_2.wsz (60.9 KB) nuclear_memory_2.wsz Nuclear Memory, skin #2

Replies (3)

RE: Winamp Skins glitch in Audacious 3.6.2 - Added by Michael Schwendt almost 10 years ago

Reproducible with 3.6.1 and 3.6.2.

Not reproducible with 3.5.2.

It's specific to those two skins archives. It doesn't happen with the included skins or the xmms-skins package at Fedora.

The small grey box in the upper left corner is also suspicious.

RE: Winamp Skins glitch in Audacious 3.6.2 - Added by Michael Schwendt almost 10 years ago

gtk2 build affected.

gtk3 build not affected.

RE: Winamp Skins glitch in Audacious 3.6.2 - Added by John Lindgren almost 10 years ago

The problem is that GtkDrawingArea paints an opaque background in GTK2. Fixed in master (but it's probably too big a change to backport to 3.6.x).
