


Building Audacious Player for windows (assembly release)

Added by Sergey Bromirskiy almost 9 years ago


I've built and installed the librarias, player and plugins (thank you John), but now the binaries spread along the aud, libs, and libraries folders. So when I run the player not all buttons are shown correctly (see attachment). Is there some way (may be batch file or instruction) to collect all binaries in one place, the same as in the release from the site?

Thank you,

audacious.bmp (1.1 MB) audacious.bmp Audacious Player

Replies (9)

RE: Building Audacious Player for windows (assembly release) - Added by John Lindgren almost 9 years ago

Did you install the GNOME icon theme according to the instructions? Including the part about running make as administrator?

RE: Building Audacious Player for windows (assembly release) - Added by Sergey Bromirskiy almost 9 years ago

Yes, I did.

MinGw shell runs with adminstrative priveleges. My XP system has only one user (which was added when system was installed) with administrative account, so all program run with this acount (I've checked in the task manager). I also use this solution: to test that batch files run with administrative priveleges.

I reconfigured, recompiled and reinstalled gnome-icon-theme and audacious projects (result is the same - wrong buttons), please see the logs attached.

Thank you,

RE: Building Audacious Player for windows (assembly release) - Added by Sergey Bromirskiy almost 9 years ago

There also was a problem when I installed mingw. When I was downgrading mingw library with command mingw-get upgrade mingw32-mingwrt-dev=3.20-2 it crashed. To workaround I uninstalled the mingw mingwrt-dev package, downloaded the package with required version (3.20-2 dev) from and extracted it to mingw folder.

Thank you,

RE: Building Audacious Player for windows (assembly release) - Added by John Lindgren almost 9 years ago

Did you install C:\GTK\etc\gtk-2.0\gtkrc according to the instructions?

RE: Building Audacious Player for windows (assembly release) - Added by Sergey Bromirskiy almost 9 years ago

Yes, I did, I tried it again:
cd /C/gtksrc
CFLAGS="-O2 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501" ./configure --prefix=/C/GTK
make install
then copied C:\gtksrc\modules\engines\ms-windows\Theme\gtk-2.0\gtkrc to C:\GTK\etc\gtk-2.0\

Thank you,

RE: Building Audacious Player for windows (assembly release) - Added by John Lindgren almost 9 years ago

No, there is a gtkrc file in the Audacious tarball. Copy that one.

RE: Building Audacious Player for windows (assembly release) - Added by Sergey Bromirskiy almost 9 years ago

Thank you! Now buttons looks ok. Going to work on the target plugin now.
Please, also, pay attantion to the initial question - I'll need to install the player on the clients computers, how can I collect all the binaries in one place? The same as the release from the site?

Thank you,

RE: Building Audacious Player for windows (assembly release) - Added by John Lindgren almost 9 years ago

Here is a quick-and-dirty script that I use to update the release package. Use at your own risk. It assumes that you have an existing release unpacked in C:\aud-win32. There are also two files that are modified in the release and need to be preserved: lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache and etc/pango/pango.modules. Copy those two files from the existing release into C:\misc before running the script.


cd /C/aud-win32
for i in `find -type f` ; do
    if test -f /C/MinGW/$i ; then
        cp /C/MinGW/$i $i
    elif test -f /C/GTK/$i ; then
        cp /C/GTK/$i $i
    elif test -f /C/libs/$i ; then
        cp /C/libs/$i $i
    elif test -f /C/aud/$i ; then
        cp /C/aud/$i $i
        echo Not found: $i

for i in `find -name *.dll` ; do strip -s $i ; done
for i in `find -name *.exe` ; do strip -s $i ; done

cd /C/misc
cp loaders.cache /C/aud-win32/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0
cp pango.modules /C/aud-win32/etc/pango

rm -rf /C/aud-win32/share/locale

cd /C/GTK
for i in `find ./share/locale -name` ; do
    mkdir -p /C/aud-win32/${i%%/}
    cp $i /C/aud-win32/$i

cd /C/aud
for i in `find ./share/locale -name` ; do
    mkdir -p /C/aud-win32/${i%%/}
    cp $i /C/aud-win32/$i
for i in `find ./share/locale -name` ; do
    mkdir -p /C/aud-win32/${i%%/}
    cp $i /C/aud-win32/$i