


Creating a console / NCurses (X-free) interface to Audacious

Added by Jim Turner over 6 years ago

I'm not asking this to be done, but am considering the possibility of creating one as a "fun project" exercize / contrabution. I'm looking for tips / suggestions on how to create an "interface plugin" (is that the correct term?) that would enable running Audacious WITHOUT X running. I'm thinking a/b starting with just a main "playlist window" that looks very similar to the GTK main window, then later possibly adding an equalizer popup paine, then a settings paine. Any suggestions / hints / tips?



Replies (5)

RE: Creating a console / NCurses (X-free) interface to Audacious - Added by John Lindgren over 6 years ago

It should be very doable and I think it could be a lot of fun, so have at it!

I would suggest starting with the skeleton of (in audacious-plugins/src/gtkui) and ripping out all the GTK-specific stuff. The bare minimum you need to keep is an instance of the IfacePlugin class. In the PluginInfo struct, you don't need "& gtkui_prefs" or "PluginGLibOnly" so replace those with nullptr and 0. The init() function needs to return true. Replace gtk_main() with mainloop_run() (from libaudcore/mainloop.h) and gtk_main_quit() with mainloop_quit(). The rest of the IfacePlugin functions don't need to do anything at all yet.

If you can get that to compile, you should be able to install it as a new interface plugin and it should show up in the list under File -> Settings -> Appearance -> Interface. In theory you should then be able to switch to it, and it will look just like you're running in headless mode. (Emphasis on "in theory"!)

Let me know if you can get that much working for starters. If you run into snags along the way, I'm happy to help out as time allows.

RE: Creating a console / NCurses (X-free) interface to Audacious - Added by Ronny Sharma over 6 years ago

Audacious Remote app was working fine on my Google Pixel 2 running Android 7.0 however as I have upgraded to Android 8.1 the app constantly crashes on the startup. Any solution guys?

RE: Creating a console / NCurses (X-free) interface to Audacious - Added by Ronny Sharma over 6 years ago

Ronny Sharma wrote:

Audacious Remote app was working fine on my Google Pixel 2 running Android 7.0 however as I have upgraded to Android 8.1 the app constantly crashes on the startup. Any solution guys?

Update: I figured it out myself, I have uninstalled the app >> restarted my phone >> reinstalled the latest version of the app and it has been working just fine once again.

RE: Creating a console / NCurses (X-free) interface to Audacious - Added by John Lindgren over 6 years ago

Please don't post links to other sites without clearly explaining how they are related. Thank you.

RE: Creating a console / NCurses (X-free) interface to Audacious - Added by David Griffith over 6 years ago

This sounds like a worthy project. I'll lend my support to it when I can.
