


Audacious 3.10 not reading/negating track gain?

Added by Jonathan Archer over 5 years ago

Ever since I'm using Linux (2 years and a few days) I've been using Audacious for music. In that period of time I noticed that Audacious fails to read the gain levels of the track and in some cases it even negates the gain to the level that the music can't be heard at all and only the visualization suggests a music is running. I tried increasing the volume levels to the absolute maximum bot nothing ever changed - in these rare cases when the track gain is negated, the music is impossible to hear. At first I thought the audio process had died but the same song sounds quite fine in VLC, so it wasn't the audio process. Then I used easymp3gain to correct the gain levels but still no change - I set a constant gain of 10.5 db and despite that the song still sounds like minus 200 db. Then I updated Audacious to 3.10 (in the repo it's a very old version) and it's still the same.
On the screenshot below at the displayed volume level (system volume max level 150%, subwoofer's volume level also at maximum; the audio hardware I have is powerful) "Fiskarens Fiende" and "Nattfodd" are like minus 200 decibels whereas the rest of the playlist sound perfectly normal and I can't understand what's going on. I noticed the same problem with another playlist.

P.S. It may be worth mentioning that these songs' replay gain was modified a long time ago in Windows using MP3Gain but the problem remained even after using easymp3gain in Linux, so I for one doubt Windows is the cause of the problem I described. So far I tried everything I could think of, even converting them to another format (OGG), then back to MP3 but using a Linux program - no matter what I do I can't make Audacious read the replay gain of these and tracks from other playlists.

Replies (7)

RE: Audacious 3.10 not reading/negating track gain? - Added by John Lindgren over 5 years ago

Can you provide access to one of the problematic MP3 files? It sounds like a tag parsing issue, but it's hard to say anything beyond that without seeing one of the files.

RE: Audacious 3.10 not reading/negating track gain? - Added by Jonathan Archer over 5 years ago

Sorry for the late answer. In the first few days nobody answered and I gave up hope.

Here are the files you requested:

RE: Audacious 3.10 not reading/negating track gain? - Added by Thomas Lange over 5 years ago

The download link does not work, I get a "403 Forbidden" status code.

RE: Audacious 3.10 not reading/negating track gain? - Added by John Lindgren over 5 years ago

I was able to download the two MP3 files, but I am not able to reproduce the issue. Both files play fine here.

From audacious -V, the Replay Gain info seems to be read correctly:

INFO [output_set_replay_gain]: Replay Gain info:
INFO [output_set_replay_gain]:  album gain: 0.145000 dB
INFO [output_set_replay_gain]:  album peak: 0.523684
INFO [output_set_replay_gain]:  track gain: 0.145000 dB
INFO [output_set_replay_gain]:  track peak: 0.523684
INFO [output_set_replay_gain]: Replay Gain info:
INFO [output_set_replay_gain]:  album gain: -0.015000 dB
INFO [output_set_replay_gain]:  album peak: 0.453216
INFO [output_set_replay_gain]:  track gain: -0.015000 dB
INFO [output_set_replay_gain]:  track peak: 0.453216

RE: Audacious 3.10 not reading/negating track gain? - Added by John Lindgren over 5 years ago

It's interesting that the files have APE tags, not the more common ID3 tags. It shouldn't matter though.

Just to be sure, have you refreshed the playlist (F5 key) after you ran easymp3gain?

RE: Audacious 3.10 not reading/negating track gain? - Added by Jonathan Archer over 5 years ago

I'm reloading it anew (double click on it). I didn't know any audio player supports F5.
Is there any way to replace these APE tags with mp3 ones? Maybe that's the cause of the problem.

RE: Audacious 3.10 not reading/negating track gain? - Added by Jonathan Archer over 5 years ago

I finally found the reason for the problem and a solution for it! The reason is that some of the files seem to have APEv2 tags. Since Audacious doesn't have an option to remove any tags from the files, I found a workaround: download Winamp from here: and if for whatever reason you can't install it using Wine, then use any archive manager to open the exe file, extract the contents of the file there and run winamp.exe. Locate the mp3 file with replay gain problems, drag and drop it on the Winamp's playlist window. Right click the file, select "View file info", click on the APEv2 tab and click on the checkbox allowing the APEv2 tag to be included in the file. Then click OK, reload the playlist in Audacious with F5 and that's it.

An easier way to do that for many files is to locate them all and drag them one by one to Winamp's playlist window. Use Ctrl+A to select them all and then right click on them to select "View file info". This action will open the file info dialog for the first file and when you click OK, it will automatically open file info for the next file. And for the next, and for the next - until you've done it for all the files.
