


Jump back/forward Buttons

Added by Chris Bristol over 4 years ago

If I a listening to a play and miss a bit I want to jump back ten seconds by pressing a button (like YouTube), or as a second best move a pointer on a slider. I can't see how to do this, I have tried

Output>Audio Settings>Song Info>Show time scale for current song

but no slider appears, is this a bug or is it doing something else irrelevant to what I want?

Replies (8)

RE: Jump back/forward Buttons - Added by Thomas Lange over 4 years ago

"Show time scale for current song" adds a progress bar into the pop-up when hovering a playlist entry.

What you want can be done with the arrow keys ("<-", "->").
With Audacious 4.0 the default value of 5 seconds will also be configurable in the settings.

RE: Jump back/forward Buttons - Added by Chris Bristol over 4 years ago

@Thomas Lange

1) Doesn't allow me to move the pointer on the popup though.
2) Yes, that's great, that may convince me to switch from Clementine which has a nasty little time bar which was my reason for looking at Audacious.
3) I've only got 3.10.1 but I can do this already.

When I started the thread I had only found files for which there is no time bar in the header bar, so no movable pointer. I've now found some files for which there is a nice big time bar in the header, which is much more convenient than in a popup. Any idea why it doesn't always appear? They are all FLAC files.

RE: Jump back/forward Buttons - Added by Thomas Lange over 4 years ago

Any idea why it doesn't always appear? They are all FLAC files.

Can other audio players read the track length properly?
You may file a bug report at
Attach a broken file to be able to reproduce the issue.

RE: Jump back/forward Buttons - Added by Chris Bristol over 4 years ago

Done. Interestingly they are from AudioRecorder so it may be something that application is doing. I await the ping-pong.

RE: Jump back/forward Buttons - Added by Chris Bristol over 4 years ago

I have created a short example and uploaded it. Interestingly the problem files I have found so far come from AudioRecorder, so it may be to do with the way that application creates its files - missing a file-end marker perhaps. If someone could define the problem I could report it as an error to AudioRecorder.

RE: Jump back/forward Buttons - Added by Chris Bristol over 4 years ago

I have also reported this to the Audio-Recorder team.

RE: Jump back/forward Buttons - Added by Chris Bristol over 4 years ago

Audacious support team states that "The file does not have a valid STREAMINFO block ("
I have reported that to AudioRecorder.
Thanks for your help Thomas!
