


Option to hide album cover in infobar?

Added by sn0w sn0w over 4 years ago

Hey everyone.

I've been using audacious for a while now and love it so far.

There's one minor annoyance though, and I'm surprised nobody has brought this up before.
(At least I didn't find anything in the tracker or forums).

It seems like there is no option to hide the album cover in audacious' infobar.
We can hide the whole bar, and we can disable the visualization, but that's it.

That's unfortunate because I like to see large versions of my covers,
so I usually dock the "Album Art" plugin into the bottom-left corner (see attached image).

Is there any way to hide this "duplicate" infobar cover that I'm missing?

Thanks in advance.

Replies (4)

RE: Option to hide album cover in infobar? - Added by sn0w sn0w about 4 years ago

Just wanted to give a little update on this.

I get that this is likely an edge-case, so I patched it myself.
The code is probably a little crude, but I'll attach it anyway in case anyone else finds this useful.

If you guys want this feature, I'd be happy to do a proper review/PR.


RE: Option to hide album cover in infobar? - Added by John Lindgren about 4 years ago

This looks quite reasonable to me. I would suggest submitting a pull request on GitHub.

My only comment is that the "height -= ps.IconSize" part is confusing. That variable gets used as a horizontal offset, so it shouldn't be called "height".

Try instead (not tested):

int offset = m_art_enabled ? ps.Height : ps.Spacing;

RE: Option to hide album cover in infobar? - Added by Thomas Lange about 4 years ago

sn0w sn0w:
Since we received no response or pull request from you, I have decided to go ahead and commit a slightly modified version of your patch.
Thanks for the suggestion and your contribution.

RE: Option to hide album cover in infobar? - Added by sn0w sn0w almost 4 years ago

Hey, nice that you liked the idea and made it official :)

Sorry for the ages of silence btw.
I kind of expected to get an E-Mail notification when someone replied, but apparently that didn't happen.
Thought this thread was lost for good ^^
