


4.0.2 broke my dark theme.

Added by Alex D over 4 years ago

I love Audacious, I really do but I am slowly losing my mind that my dark theme broke after my last update. I tried downloading qt5ct like in this issue but that did not help.

I am using Xfce and a theme I did by using oomox. I've tried getting all kinds of themes to test.

Keep up the great work you are doing. Leaving winamp behind on Windows I can not see myself using anything but Audacious. I hope all you devs are doing great in these times. :)

Replies (5)

RE: 4.0.2 broke my dark theme. - Added by Alex D over 4 years ago

I've been looking at that and I am honestly not sure what to look for on it. I have tried editing the trolltech with no success. It's really a lot of bollocks to just get my theme working again... might as well learn to rollback to 3.x

RE: 4.0.2 broke my dark theme. - Added by John Lindgren over 4 years ago

I would suggest installing the gtk2 style plugin for Qt 5 (qt5-styleplugins on Arch, qt5-gtk2-platformtheme on Debian or Ubuntu).
Then set QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 in your environment.

RE: 4.0.2 broke my dark theme. - Added by Alex D over 4 years ago

Ahh there, yes. With physiotherapy studies and quarantine piled up I do not have much brainpower left. Thank you very much for your help and support. What is your preferred way that I donate to audacious?

RE: 4.0.2 broke my dark theme. - Added by John Lindgren over 4 years ago

I can only speak for myself and not the other developers, but as long as I've been involved (10+ years) we haven't accepted donations.
So, you're welcome, and perhaps you could send a donation to some charitable cause with our good wishes.
