


[feedback] QT Audacious is slow

Added by Jonathan Archer over 2 years ago

Audacious 4.1 is slow, even in GTK mode. The most obvious slowness can be seen when changing sound volume, whether with the mouse scroll or with multimedia keys - when increasing/decreasing volume, the slider that represents it reacts a second or two later, whereas 3.10.1 didn't have that problem and the slider reacted instantly.
Also, when running any PLS file (playlist), regardless of the tracks format, it displays a small window reading "[number] items found", then the window disappears and 2-3 seconds later the playback starts. 3.10.1 didn't do that either, playlists were starting instantly and there was no small window displayed.

Replies (5)

RE: [feedback] QT Audacious is slow - Added by John Lindgren over 2 years ago

I've run Audacious 4.1 on an ancient 800 MHz Pentium III and it's perfectly usable. Something else is broken on your machine.

RE: [feedback] QT Audacious is slow - Added by Thomas Lange over 2 years ago

The laggy volume slider was easily reproducible here, even with an AMD Zen3 5600x CPU. ;)
I have pushed a fix with

Regarding PLS, I think it's better to create a separate issue. The forum is not the best place to report such problems.

RE: [feedback] QT Audacious is slow - Added by Jonathan Archer over 2 years ago

John Lindgren wrote:

Something else is broken on your machine.

I don't think so. These things didn't happen in 3.10.1. Plus, my current Arch installation is a few days old and that slowness appeared from the first day when I decided to allow 4.1 to install ("allow" bc I had audacious frozen at 3.10.1 for a long time).

Thomas Lange wrote:

The laggy volume slider was easily reproducible here, even with an AMD Zen3 5600x CPU. ;)
I have pushed a fix with

Regarding PLS, I think it's better to create a separate issue. The forum is not the best place to report such problems.

I'll report the PLS thing on github, I just thought if I posted it on the forum it would be more likely to be seen by the developers.
Btw, do you have any estimation when we can expect an update of audacious with your fix?

RE: [feedback] QT Audacious is slow - Added by Thomas Lange over 2 years ago

I'll report the PLS thing on github, I just thought if I posted it on the forum it would be more likely to be seen by the developers.

Our bug tracker is not on GitHub. I have posted the link already above.

Btw, do you have any estimation when we can expect an update of audacious with your fix?

If you are familiar with the AUR, you can try the latest development version by compiling "audacious-git" and "audacious-plugins-git".
Since GTK and Qt are both enabled here, you can also better compare the performance of Audacious.

RE: [feedback] QT Audacious is slow - Added by Jonathan Archer over 2 years ago

I AM familliar with AUR, I'm using Arch for 3 years now. :)

The laggy slider is no more (4.2 beta), so thanks for the fix! :D
