


Audacious skips while playing

Added by Zdravko Nikolov about 12 years ago


I have started using audacious recently on my Ubuntu precise. What I have noticed is that the playback will skip/stutter from time to time no matter what format is played. This dosn't happen if i use and external (to my thinkpad) card or an usb dac. Do you have an idea?

Replies (6)

RE: Audacious skips while playing - Added by Michael Schwendt about 12 years ago

Which Audio Output Plugin do you use in Audacious? And which buffer size?

RE: Audacious skips while playing - Added by Zdravko Nikolov about 12 years ago

I use pulseaudio and the buffer size is 1500ms (all defaults).

RE: Audacious skips while playing - Added by Zdravko Nikolov about 12 years ago

This is actually clipping. It happens no matter what setting I apply in the prefs...

RE: Audacious skips while playing - Added by John Lindgren about 12 years ago

Try bypassing PulseAudio and outputting directly to ALSA. If that fixes the skipping or stuttering (whichever it is), then you probably need to configure PulseAudio differently, or disable it altogether.

RE: Audacious skips while playing - Added by Zdravko Nikolov almost 12 years ago

Yes, choosing ALSA output fixes this on the X41. However on a thinkpad X60 with the same OS and packages, it works.

RE: Audacious skips while playing - Added by John Lindgren almost 12 years ago

If ALSA output works, then you need to configure PulseAudio differently. Or disable it, if you don't think configuring it is worth your time.
