


Winamp classic interface: playlist and equalizer not 'minimising' and 'restoring' with player

Added by Stuart McMillen about 12 years ago

I am using Audacious 3.2.1 - the current version available through Linux Mint 13.

Audacious is behaving very strangely when in Winamp Classic interface. Unlike actual Winamp, the player, playlist and equalizer windows don't 'lock' together when minimising/restoring the Audacious window within Linux. Instead...

  • What happens when the main Audacious 'player' window gets minimised is: the 'player' disappears, but the playlist and equalizer either remain visable
  • What happens when I am using another app, and Tab+Alt (or click the taskbar icon) to Audacious is: the main Audacious 'player' appears, but the playlist and equalizer remain hidden above/behind the other applications which are running.

Is this a bug which needs to be fixed? It certainly is annoying / counter-intuitive to me as a user.

All other features of the software seem to be working fine besides this.

Replies (2)

RE: Winamp classic interface: playlist and equalizer not 'minimising' and 'restoring' with player - Added by John Lindgren about 12 years ago

This is a very common problem for people using the WinAmp classic interface and is generally caused by a bug in your window manager. You might try replacing your current window manager with XFWM4; it is, in my experience, the most reliable window manager for use in combination with Audacious.

RE: Winamp classic interface: playlist and equalizer not 'minimising' and 'restoring' with player - Added by Thomas Lange about 12 years ago

I've had the same issue with XFCE, made a bugreport and it was fixed. ;)

So file a bug report for Linux Mint, it's not a bug of audacious.
