


5.1 flac files in a 2 channel system

Added by Doug Coffey about 12 years ago

I'm sure someone has brought this up before but a search came up with nothing...

Have some 5.1 surround sound flac files that I would like to play with Audacious in a 2 channel stereo system...

They don't play in audacious, but DO play in movie player (which only allows one song at a time to be loaded, can't load a whole directory to play one song after another)

Is there a plug-in or some editing I can do to a config file that will allow Audacious to play these files in 2 channel??

Thanks much!!!

Replies (9)

RE: 5.1 flac files in a 2 channel system - Added by Doug Coffey about 12 years ago

I probably should also mention I'm using Lubuntu (Ubuntu LITE), and would like to keep the original file rates, with no downsampling... most of these are 24 bit 88 or 96khz files....

Thanks again

RE: 5.1 flac files in a 2 channel system - Added by John Lindgren about 12 years ago

The channel mixer plugin can downmix 5.1 to stereo.

RE: 5.1 flac files in a 2 channel system - Added by Doug Coffey about 12 years ago

Thanks John... I'll give it a try....

RE: 5.1 flac files in a 2 channel system - Added by Doug Coffey about 12 years ago

Well, I tried it.. but it didn't work...cannot play the 5.1 channel files PERIOD...hmmmmm????

RE: 5.1 flac files in a 2 channel system - Added by John Lindgren about 12 years ago

What didn't work? I assume you mean you didn't hear anything, but can you be more specific? Were there any error messages (either a message box or printed to the console)?

RE: 5.1 flac files in a 2 channel system - Added by Michał Lipski about 12 years ago

Right now, the FLAC Decoder can only play mono/stereo files. I'm working on it. As a workaround you can use FFmpeg Plugin instead of FLAC Decoder.

RE: 5.1 flac files in a 2 channel system - Added by Doug Coffey about 12 years ago

Ok..thanks... I'll try that....

RE: 5.1 flac files in a 2 channel system - Added by Doug Coffey about 12 years ago

Thanks Michal!! REALLY appreciate it!! (getting a lot of 5.1 files ;)
