


On playing a CD automatically in Lubuntu

Added by Pascual Lucero almost 12 years ago


Just in case, I would like to refer to a recent topic we have mentioned in Lubuntu's mailing list. This is the message posted by John Hupp describing the issue in his bug report in launchpad:

_"With Audacious, the inelegant CD-playing process goes this way: Insert CD, the popup with "Removable medium is inserted - Type of medium: audio CD - Please select the action you want to perform" appears, select Audacious. Audacious opens. Click the Play button. Nothing happens. But in the menus, then choose Services: Play CD, and it constructs a playlist and starts the first track.

By way of contrast, in Edubuntu, one inserts a CD, chooses Rhythmbox from the popup, the app opens, constructs the playlist and begins playing. In short, once you have told it to play a CD with Rhythmbox, it does so."

Is there an option to make Audio CDs playing automatically once you select this program in the popup menu that appears once a CD is recognized?

Thanks for your attention

Replies (2)

RE: On playing a CD automatically in Lubuntu - Added by John Lindgren almost 12 years ago

Audacious will start playing a CD automatically if you run "audacious cdda://". All you need to do is configure Lubuntu to run that command when an audio CD is inserted.

RE: On playing a CD automatically in Lubuntu - Added by John Lindgren almost 12 years ago

This is how I configure XFCE to play a CD in Audacious when I insert it: I would be very much surprised if LXDE does not have a similar option.
