


Problem with Audacious 3.3.2 in Ubuntu 12.10 (webupd8 build)

Added by Pascual Lucero over 11 years ago


I use the webupd8 build in order to use the latest version of Audacious ... and given that this is perhaps the most popular way to get the latest version, it is important to point some problem in the latest build. In Ubuntu 12.10, the GTK+3 version is 3.6.0 and the problem with the song slider is solved in that version (taking into account what John told us). But in the build, what happens is that once you put the mouse over the song slider, the mouse gets stuck in "hand mode", like if it is "glued", so moving the mouse ends ups moving the window, so I am forced to close the program using Alt+F4. I conjecture that what could happen is that the solution for building Audacious 3.3.2 for Precise (with the patch used given the old version of GTK+3) doesn't work anymore, so building from source works differently in Precise and Quantal. I hope Andrei from webupd8 can read this message.

As a confirmation that the problem is in the building process, I built from source in my computer and everything worked fine with the song slider.

On the other hand, builds like the Webupd8 one are very important for users. In my case, the reason is that they guarantee we can use the ffaudio plugin; unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to build ffmpeg from source, so we need a build when everything works smoothly.

Thanks for your attention

Replies (4)

RE: Problem with Audacious 3.3.2 in Ubuntu 12.10 (webupd8 build) - Added by John Lindgren over 11 years ago

Let me see if I understand this right: I removed a broken workaround from the upstream code, because it caused problems with new GTK+ versions. WebUpd8 thought they knew better and added it back in. Now the WebUpd8 build causes problems with new GTK+ versions. Shocking.

RE: Problem with Audacious 3.3.2 in Ubuntu 12.10 (webupd8 build) - Added by Pascual Lucero over 11 years ago


Last time I checked, (yesterday), Audacious was working correctly in Ubuntu 12.04 using the webupd8 build with the patch that was added back in (so, people with older versions of GTK3+ could use the song slider as usual), so the patch was useful.

I conjecture that perhaps the patch was added too in the build for 12.10 (it might because they forgot that the problem was gone in GTK 3.6 and there was no need to add that patch before building) and that might cause problems ... I think there should be some relation, because coincidentally the area in which the problem appears is when you put the mouse on the song slider.

RE: Problem with Audacious 3.3.2 in Ubuntu 12.10 (webupd8 build) - Added by Pascual Lucero over 11 years ago

Hello again,

Apparently, it was an oversight, and once Andrei realized this, it has been corrected in webupd8 PPA. So it was good to have reported this issue here :)

RE: Problem with Audacious 3.3.2 in Ubuntu 12.10 (webupd8 build) - Added by Marko Kraljevic over 11 years ago

John Lindgren wrote:

WebUpd8 [..]

Please make it for (X)ubuntu, at least a .deb if not an official PPA. It would avoid a host of problems, tnx. :)

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