


How to remove files from a playlist?

Added by john smith over 11 years ago

How do you remove files from a playlist. I can't find this simple feature anywhere in Audacious 3.3.2 (whereas older versions had it).

Replies (5)

RE: How to remove files from a playlist? - Added by Thomas Lange over 11 years ago

How did you do that with an older version of Audacious?

Right-click -> "Cut"
or press the Delete key.

RE: How to remove files from a playlist? - Added by john smith over 11 years ago

I have Audacious 2.4.0 on another computer and you can remove a file from a playing with right-click -> "delete selection". Now with version 3.3.2, you don't have this basic feature anymore... Ok for Right-click "Cut", it works (on the contrary, delete key doesn't work) but it's very disturbing ("cut" doesn't mean "remove"). Developers should really fix that.

RE: How to remove files from a playlist? - Added by john smith over 11 years ago

john smith wrote:

I have Audacious 2.4.0 on another computer and you can remove a file from a playlist with right-click -> "delete selection". Now with version 3.3.2, you don't have this basic feature anymore... Ok for Right-click "Cut", it works (on the contrary, delete key doesn't work) but it's very disturbing ("cut" doesn't mean "remove"). Developers should really fix that.

RE: How to remove files from a playlist? - Added by John Lindgren over 11 years ago

The delete key has always worked for me. We can't fix something that's not broken. :)

RE: How to remove files from a playlist? - Added by Dmitry Romanov over 11 years ago

It would be marvellous to remove files from playlist by folder. Usage case is trivial - I assemble my playlist using 'F' key, and add (accidentally) a wrong folder. In the middle of playing I notice it, but see only one choise: select carefully and delete. If I would be able to select folder to remove all files from it, that would make sence.

Best wishes to all.
