


Enable Alarm?

Added by Jazz Williams over 4 years ago

Hello! I'm building from the source tarballs provided on the download page, but I'm having a little trouble getting the alarm plugin to work. I already enabled gtk in the ./configure of the main audacious, but when I try to ./configure the audacious-plugins, it tells me that the alarm won't be built. Is there a command line flag that I haven't set properly?

Replies (7)

RE: Enable Alarm? - Added by Thomas Lange over 4 years ago

The Alarm plugin is only available with the GTK version.
Make sure to use "--enable-gtk" also for audacious-plugins.

RE: Enable Alarm? - Added by Jazz Williams over 4 years ago

See I did that, and compiled with gtk, but it still says that alarm is disabled when I compile the plugins.

RE: Enable Alarm? - Added by Thomas Lange over 4 years ago

You said you have compiled Audacious with GTK support, but did you also use "./configure --enable-gtk" for the plugins?
The output of configure may also help, please attach it here.

RE: Enable Alarm? - Added by Jazz Williams over 4 years ago

Oh I'm sorry I just noticed that you said audacious-plugins also has --enable-gtk, I'll try that!

RE: Enable Alarm? - Added by Jazz Williams over 4 years ago

Okay so compiling with --enable-gtk SAYS it enables the alarm, but I can't find it under plugins. Attached are the terminal outputs.

make.txt (49.4 KB) make.txt Output of sudo make
configure.txt (9.27 KB) configure.txt Output of ./configure --enable-gtk
install.txt (36.6 KB) install.txt Output of sudo make install

RE: Enable Alarm? - Added by Thomas Lange over 4 years ago

You are probably still using the default Qt interface.
If you compile Audacious with GTK and Qt support, you need to start it explicitly with "-G" or "--gtk".
Alternatively use "--disable-qt" for the configure script. Again for both Audacious and the plugins.

RE: Enable Alarm? - Added by Jazz Williams over 4 years ago

Oh I see! I didn't realize that I had to launch it separately with gtk, thank you so much that helps immensely!
