Bug #1041
Crash when switching from default Qt interface to Skins (latest git)
Start date:
December 17, 2020
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Affects version:
Just what title says. Pbm is only in latest GIT (2 different versions of Qt5 tested). Pbm was not present in last GIT build on 12/2. Problem does not occur in GTK interface.
Seems to be the assert() in dock.cc:register_dock_host() due to possibly failure to call unregister_dock_host() on leaving Qt interface before skins-qt starts up and calls register_dock_host(), due to changes in how the main window is now being shut down?
$>audacious audacious: dock.cc:169: void audqt::register_dock_host(audqt::DockHost*): Assertion `!s_host' failed. Aborted
Steps to reproduce:
Start Audacious (starts in default Qt interface), then switch to skins-qt interface, immediate crash.
#1 Updated by John Lindgren about 4 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Status changed from New to Closed
Fixed, thanks for catching that!
#2 Updated by Thomas Lange about 4 years ago
- Target version set to 4.1