Feature #1097
Replace the volume button with a horizontal scale
Regulating internal volume in Audacios is quite cumbersome: first you need to click a small volume button, then navigate a very small vertical scale.
Please replace the button with a horizontal scale always visible on the screen.
Thank you!
Updated by Thomas Lange almost 4 years ago
If you don't want to click on the button, hover it and use the mouse wheel to change the volume.
Updated by Artem S. Tashkinov almost 4 years ago
Thomas Lange wrote:
If you don't want to click on the button, hover it and use the mouse wheel to change the volume.
Erm, great, good to know, only where's a hint for that? ;-)
Secondly, it doesn't allow instantaneous volume changes, as scrolling up and down takes some time.
Thirdly, the interval is set to 5 which is too rough.
Updated by Michael Schwendt almost 4 years ago
100/5 is quite fine-grained in my opinion, since with 20 steps it covers the most common use-cases.
Scaling a GUI slider would always be a problem, whether vertical or horizontal. Too many steps, and clicking to set volume would be inaccurate and erratic.
You could use Audacious' "audtool" for instantly changing the volume to any value.
Or use a system like PulseAudio which keeps track of individual application's audio volume. GNOME Shell's built-in "Sound Settings" feature a horizonal slider with a separate mute button.
Updated by Thomas Lange almost 4 years ago
Late reply, but you can adjust the scaling of the slider at "Settings -> Advanced -> Miscellaneous".