Feature #214
Common queue for all playlists
I expect queue to be common for all playlists. I.e. in Windows players like foobar2000 or AIMP I start one playlist as the main one and use queue to insert some songs from other playlists.
In audacious each playlist has it separate queue and I think it makes no sense: why should I use queue when it's not hard to just move tracks up and down within single playlist?
Updated by Vasily Merzlyakov over 12 years ago
E.g. I have two playlists with The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. The Beatles' is the current one I am listening, but I want Audacious to play a couple of The Rolling Stones' songs and then to return back to The Beatles. In foobar2000 or AIMP I switch to the second playlist, put that couple of songs in a queue as #1 and #2, and then return to the first playlist and mark the next song as #3 (and after that playback will continue as usual, the next song played will be the next song after #3 in the first playlist). Audacious doesn't let me do such a trick.
Updated by John Lindgren over 12 years ago
- Category changed from libaudcore to core
Updated by John Lindgren over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
I don't think we'll implement this. It adds complexity; and I personally think it would be a bit confusing, from a user standpoint, to have playback switching between playlists on its own. Simple and predictable is sometimes better than complex and wonderful.