


Bug #321

New Scrobbler can not connect with - error appears in the Windows Audcious Verision

Added by Roland Haslinger about 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
July 20, 2013
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:


Hi :)

Have downloaded the latest available Version today from the Audacious Site - Works fine, only the Scrobbler 2 Plugin does not work at all in the Windows Version!

When i open the Plugin Preferences and click on "Check Permissions" in the Scrobbler 2 Plugin i only get a "network Problem - There was a problem contacting, please try later" message back.

But when i use the old Scrobbler Plogin, no problem appears, i can connect with the Servers and submit my tracks.

Seems there is some kind of Bug, hopefully it can be fixed!

Audacious on Windows.log (14.9 KB) Audacious on Windows.log Luís Picciochi, July 28, 2013 22:50


#1 Updated by Roland Haslinger about 11 years ago

Sorry, i screwed up, somehow the field assignee got filled with a name...

#2 Updated by Thomas Lange about 11 years ago

Roland Haslinger wrote:

Sorry, i screwed up, somehow the field assignee got filled with a name...

You chose accidentally the right person... :D
Take a look on "About" of the Scrobbler2 plugin.

#3 Updated by Luís Picciochi about 11 years ago

I think the assignment is automatic.
Can you please run autacious with -V and attach the output?
It should be something like: C:\Program Files\audacious\audacious.exe -V

#4 Updated by Roland Haslinger about 11 years ago

Tried that, but does not work sadly.

#5 Updated by Luís Picciochi about 11 years ago

Apparently it works, but for some reason you have to redirect the output to some file in order to see it, sadly.

audacious.exe -V > c:\some\dir\where\your\user\has\permission\to\write\output.txt

The relevant line is this:
scrobbler_communication.c:151 [send_message_to_lastfm]: Could not communicate with Unsupported protocol.

jlindgren: was the curl library compiled with HTTPS support?

#6 Updated by Luís Picciochi about 11 years ago


Apparently, OpenSSL will also have to be added to the Windows compilation process.
Alternatively, there's a curl binary with SSL support from curl itself, if you want to avoid compiling it and OpenSSL:

#7 Updated by John Lindgren about 11 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Luís Picciochi to John Lindgren
  • Target version set to 3.4.1

Luís Picciochi wrote:

Apparently, OpenSSL will also have to be added to the Windows compilation process.
Alternatively, there's a curl binary with SSL support from curl itself, if you want to avoid compiling it and OpenSSL:

Duly noted; I will look into this for 3.4.1.

#8 Updated by Dmitry Viskov about 11 years ago

I have the same bug on my Debian system:

$ dpkg -s audacious
Package: audacious
Architecture: amd64
Version: 3.4-1

$ dpkg -s audacious-plugins
Package: audacious-plugins
Architecture: amd64
Multi-Arch: same
Version: 3.4-1

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux testing (jessie)
Release:        testing
Codename:       jessie

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux testing (jessie)
Release:        testing
Codename:       jessie

When i try to turn on "Check Permissions" in Scrobbler 2.0 plugin it prints "Network Problem. There was a problem contacting, please try later"

#9 Updated by Edmond Sicard about 11 years ago

Dmitry Viskov wrote:

I have the same bug on my Debian system:
When i try to turn on "Check Permissions" in Scrobbler 2.0 plugin it prints "Network Problem. There was a problem contacting, please try later"

I see the same error message on Ubuntu 13.04 (64-bit), audacious Version: 3.4.1-1~webupd8~raring

#10 Updated by John Lindgren about 11 years ago

This bug is about a missing OpenSSL library in the Windows build. Comments here about anything but the Windows version will be ignored.

#11 Updated by John Lindgren about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

I've uploaded a Windows build of 3.4.1 with OpenSSL support. This fixes the "unsupported protocol" error. However, scrobbling is still not working for me on Windows because of #343.

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