


Bug #506

Playlist invisible [old winamp classic skin / interface]

Added by Bernhard Schülke about 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
January 30, 2015
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:


It affects Audacious 3.5.2 and earlier versions. Operation system: Ubuntu 14.04, earlier: 12.0. Standard Ubuntu window, no 3D effects. I prefer and use the winamp skins (winamp, winamp classic) / interfaces.

If i made the playlist visible and changed the window focus to another program (for instance firefox) and back to Audacious, the main Audacious window is visible, but the playlist window got lost.

1,2,3...-times pressing the playlist button by the mouse: nothing happens. The playlist window stays invisible.

My stupid and a little bit annoying workaround (i hate this procedure and dislike the gtk interface): Switching from the winamp interface to the gtk interface and back solves my problem until the playlist visibility will get lost again.

By the way: Short-Cut to make the playlist visible/invisible?


#1 Updated by John Lindgren about 10 years ago

It's probably just hidden behind another window, not really invisible, right?

#2 Updated by Michael Schwendt about 10 years ago

Also, if you quit Audacious and restart it, what happens in that case?

#3 Updated by Thomas Lange about 10 years ago

The shortcut to show/hide the playlist ist ALT+E.
A right-click on the main window opens a menu with all the other actions.

Could you add a short video which shows the problem?
gtk-recordmydesktop for example makes this an easy task.

#4 Updated by John Lindgren about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Probably not a bug in Audacious. Closing.

#5 Updated by Bernhard Schülke about 10 years ago

John Lindgren wrote:

It's probably just hidden behind another window, not really invisible, right?

I don't know. If i close all other windows, the playlist isn't visible.

#6 Updated by Bernhard Schülke about 10 years ago

Michael Schwendt wrote:

Also, if you quit Audacious and restart it, what happens in that case?

If the playlist is hidden again, i'll check it.

#7 Updated by Bernhard Schülke about 10 years ago

Thomas Lange wrote:

The shortcut to show/hide the playlist ist ALT+E.
A right-click on the main window opens a menu with all the other actions.

ALT-E: no effect.

Could you add a short video which shows the problem?

Definitely no. I don't have the possibility.

gtk-recordmydesktop for example makes this an easy task.

I don't understand: easy task?

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