Bug #917
meson: fix path defines
Start date:
November 16, 2019
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Affects version:
prefix is set correctly, but never passed down to path defines. This manifests itself as audacious failing to start up under certain conditions, saying it can't find any output plugins because the plugin path is missing the /usr{,/local} at the start.
#1 Updated by Enne Eziarc almost 5 years ago
- File 0002-meson.build-rename-plugindir-to-plugin_dir.patch 0002-meson.build-rename-plugindir-to-plugin_dir.patch added
Ah hang on, there's more.
#2 Updated by John Lindgren almost 5 years ago
- Assignee set to Ariadne Conill