


Feature #964

Implement drag and drop in Qt Winamp Classic interface

Added by ARCH 102 about 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
April 09, 2020
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:


Good evening
Since the very recent update, it is no longer possible to drag and drop, whether a single file (FLAC, OPUS, MP3, WAV, ...) or an entire folder
I never had this problem before and I find myself stuck
I tried to find a solution but I don't see what I could do
Reading files is not affected, you can start playing by right-clicking the file (or select multiple files) and to "open with Audacious"
But having a library exceeding 300,000 titles is a bit annoying and slower
Can you fix this bug in a future release ?
Thank you

Screenshot_20200413_225642.png (136 KB) Screenshot_20200413_225642.png ARCH 102, April 13, 2020 22:03
Screenshot_20200414_011109.png (94.9 KB) Screenshot_20200414_011109.png ARCH 102, April 13, 2020 23:11


#1 Updated by John Lindgren about 4 years ago

Are you using the Winamp Classic interface? If so, you may want to continue using a GTK-enabled build for now (as suggested in the 4.0 release notes).

#2 Updated by ARCH 102 about 4 years ago

Good evening, yes I have been using the Winamp Classic interface for years
From your advice, I use the GTK + version
I was starting to get used to this interface, but since this evening, I have encountered a bug
All that is playback control, volume control suddenly disappeared, however I did nothing else than to click on the icon of Audacious to launch it ...
I found it weird so I looked for a solution, looked at the parameters ... I found nothing ...
Reading is not affected but it is quite annoying ...

Thank you

#3 Updated by John Lindgren about 4 years ago

That's the Qt interface. What I meant was that you can continue using the Winamp Classic interface, but from a package that is built with GTK+ rather than Qt.

#4 Updated by ARCH 102 about 4 years ago

I just did a little downgrade for the player and also for audacious-plugins to version 3.10.1-2 (found on Arch Linux Archive)
Everything is present, as before, the control buttons that had disappeared under version 4.0.1 are now well present (I am trying to understand why the controls suddenly disappeared when I had done nothing special)

This is the best solution I have found in the meantime
The other readers are good but I am too attached to Audacious and too used to this reader (I use since 2011 I think ... it's been so long)
Thank you :)

#5 Updated by John Lindgren about 4 years ago

ARCH 102 wrote:

Everything is present, as before, the control buttons that had disappeared under version 4.0.1 are now well present (I am trying to understand why the controls suddenly disappeared when I had done nothing special)

If you happen to figure that out, I would be interested to know. At least one other user reported the same thing happening in the Qt interface, but it's unclear what caused it. For 4.0.2, there will be a workaround to at least make sure that a restart fixes it.

#6 Updated by John Lindgren about 4 years ago

  • Category set to plugins/skins-qt
  • Subject changed from Drag and drop impossible (Audacious 4.0.1 ArchLinux/Manjaro) to Implement drag and drop in Qt Winamp Classic interface
  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature

#7 Updated by Dimo K about 4 years ago

Is there going to be progress on this? For me drag-and-drop has stopped working both in Qt and Winamp interface after upgrading to 4.0.1.

This is a very useful feature to me. Every day I get a recordings of something from someone or create one myself, or just download an audio file from the Internet. I was very used to just dragging these files in the playlist and listening to them to quickly check how good they are. I wish I could do that again.

#8 Updated by John Lindgren about 4 years ago

Dimo K wrote:

Is there going to be progress on this?

For the Winamp Classic interface? No one has volunteered yet. I don't think any of the core developers have been using the Winamp Classic interface for a few years now.

You're welcome to take a stab at it.

#9 Updated by John Lindgren about 4 years ago

Dimo K wrote:

For me drag-and-drop has stopped working both in Qt and Winamp interface after upgrading to 4.0.1.

It is working perfectly for me in the Qt interface. Drag-and-drop within the playlist, from the Search Tool, and from Nemo all works as expected.

If it is not working for you in the Qt interface, please create a topic on the forum and give details about your system and desktop environment, how you installed Audacious, and what other program you are dragging from. If other users have seen the same problem, you may be able to coordinate with them to figure out the cause.

#10 Updated by Dimo K about 4 years ago

I investigated some more and it turns out it does not work in one particular case. I have created this forum post:

#11 Updated by Thomas Lange about 4 years ago

Version 4.0.4 should support drag and drop again for the Qt Winamp interface. Please try this version.

#12 Updated by John Lindgren about 4 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from New to Closed

I forgot we had a ticket open for this feature. I think we can close this.

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